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Old 08-13-2013, 11:40 PM   #11
skuttadawg   skuttadawg is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 127
I have had many mopeds and motorcycles when I was young an only two Honda scooters . Well a few years ago I was sick of putting 80 bucks a week in gas in my van so I bought a lil 50 to putt around on short trips , save gas and be a toy . I bought it new as I already knew how so many are abused and neglected and did not want one that was almost DOA . I have had several fast cruiser bikes and knew the temptation to speed would get me tickets or kill me with so many dangerous cagers on the road these days . I love saying " woohoo a full tank for 3 bucks " at the pumps where cagers put in way more gas than that . Any " two wheeling " is fun to me as for a moment I can escape what ever BS is bothering me for a while as I smile like a kid with a new toy often .

What is so much fun for me is to hot rod a scooter , like I did my 2T and see the looks on peoples faces when I pass them , even up hill . I have seen several almost have a mental meltdown and go to extremes to out run me , even if I am speeding . I guess nobody wants a moped to out run them LOL . I love to jack rabbit when the light turns green in order to have more of the road to myself instead of ride among cagers in heavy traffic . I have had many ask me " WTF kind of moped is it that ?" when I ride my Echarm which is a 150cc instead of 50cc and it is much faster than most as I have ridden on interstates , but mostly highways and streets . I have met many cool scooter riders while on the road and always enjoy a friendly race . One night I was zooming on 4T with a 50mm BBK and two cops pulled up beside me . I just knew I would get a ticket but they pointed and laughed since I am 6ft4 and was going so fast on a small scooter . I even got a warning for doing 72MPH on my Echarm by a HP who was curious what scooter could go that fast . I was thrilled to learn how the aftermarket parts had exploded with choices and options as back in my younger days it was very limited . I still find myself wanting to pull in the clutch and shift gears with my toes after so many years of off and on road riding motorcycles
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