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Old 10-02-2013, 09:18 PM   #8
qwertydude   qwertydude is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 139
It's simply the uphill. The altitude of even 10,000 foot high mountains would only be 10.1 PSI vs sea level which is 14.7. This means on a fuel injected scooter you lose 31% power.

Combine that with the fact that you can't downshift to put more power to the ground and on a CVT it's a combination for sluggishness. Less power output overall combined with a CVT that may have heavy weights in it to provide lower RPM's for MPG. Adds up to a loss in speed on uphills.

But on long uphill rides you never seem to notice the inclination which is why you feel like you have no power. You literally don't. The solution would obviously be lighter roller weights or sliders to keep the engine in its powerband but then you'll lose mpg and your engine will be revvy all the time. That's kinda the downside with roller weight CVT automatic transmissions.
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