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Old 04-16-2020, 10:27 PM   #1
TaoTao ATM50-A1 50cc Scooter vs TaoTao Thunder 50cc Scooter
by Axel Axel is offline 04-16-2020, 10:27 PM

Hey all, glad I found this cool forum!

Very much a new to buying a scooter. From initial checking, it seems TaoTao are the "go-to" for under a grand scooters. Was just wondering how the TaoTao ATM50-A1 50cc & TaoTao Thunder 50cc Scooter compare and which one would be best for me. My main desire is a scooter that's safe/easy to handle. Also important are ability to handle weight and storage space (this is gonna be my only means of transportation).

Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated... thanks!

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