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Old 04-03-2020, 08:25 PM   #25
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 597
Actually, no. That piston looks normal, at least in the pics. I had a lean sized piston I saved for an example but I think it got tossed when the garage was cleaned.

If in fact that was a soft seize, it was super soft. I had one once going to work. I pulled over, got it started, choked it (I run manual chokes) to flood/cool it down and re-adjusted the carb. It was 26 degrees out and the scooter carb was set for summer weather. That scooter never seemed to notice, though looking thru the exhaust port you could see one good, deep scratch.

There is a chance that when, whatever caused the transmission failure, it perfectly matched a lean seize in symptoms. Its just not normal to have the clutch constantly engaged like you describe when the scooter is OFF or at idle.

And yes, I can still go to my local bicycle shops. They are practicing "social distancing" but I may go Sat. and look for a helmet I like. The ugly rash and bald spot from having my hair torn out meaning I'll have to wear a do-rag to try them on. Looking into a Nutcase brand.

Last edited by sc00ter; 04-03-2020 at 10:52 PM.
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