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Old 11-22-2019, 10:26 PM   #3
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 549
Oh boy, this might not end well. So the wife and I get the "new to him" Metro owner over to our house to pick it up. I give him a new helmet that fits him correct, a pair of winter gloves and show him how to start it. So, off we go back to were he's staying. He does ok at slow 'hood speeds so we head to the faster streets. We come up on a fast, right sweeper. I sent him up front to set the pace. I was on my wife's big trike covering him from cars. He goes into the turn and crosses 4 lanes and clips the curb on the median strip. Sparks from the center stand! Barely saves it. At the stop light he asked what he did wrong. "You didn't lean!". Oh! So we survive the trip. As I'm leaving I tell him to read the owners manual and go practice in the neighborhood. He instead sat around all day with his girlfriend. I hope he doesn't go down but I have a bet he will wreak it in the first 100 miles. And I know what tight, fast left hand turn that will get him!

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