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Old 03-24-2019, 08:22 PM   #19
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 549
Tell you a funny story. Way back when I first got into these scooters, I had a 2000 Zuma and a friend had an older Derbi Predator, the liquid cooled one! He was doing some transmission mods and pulled out a air impact wrench to remove the variator nut. Ok, I do that also. Then, he goes to put the same nut back ON with the impact wrench. I ask him if he has a torque wrench and a holding tool and he goes "I do this all the time." and proceeds to tighten the nut. Then SNAP! Off comes the END OF THE CRANK! He ended up junking the scooter after that. So please be careful! I had to put a Genuine Buddy 50cc variator nut back on with a air impact wrench not to long ago because I couldnt get the variator to lock with any holding tool or a strap wrench. A dab of Loc-Tite and on it went. I could have flattened a penny in my butt checks like one of those oceanfront penny presses because I didnt want to break anything. All was fine though.
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