I haven't changed the brake fluid on my scooter, but I did on my Harley, and I had to pump that thing WAY beyond what made sense. I use the sucker to draw the fluid through the line, so there isn't any air, but I still had to pump it for minutes. I just replaced my front tire on the scooter, all I did was push the piston in a little so I could get the wheel on, and I still had to pump it 4 or 5 times, and I never opened the reservoir or cracked the bleeder.
sc00ter, if I need a de-icer, I'm riding on 4 wheels! But I get it. I used to live in Colorado, and I rode many times when I probably shouldn't have. Now I live in Florida, so......ride on!
2005 CF Moto "Voyager" 250cc. I don't see where CF Moto made a Voyager, but that's what's on the side.