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Old 08-14-2017, 10:08 PM   #1
Genuine Roughhouse 50cc
by Oldgunner Oldgunner is offline 08-14-2017, 10:08 PM

At the end of April this year, I purchased a new but leftover 2015 Roughhouse.
As of now I have put 1865 miles on it, with zero problems. I am very pleased with the bike. I drove it for near 500 miles before getting it derestricted. For the first 500 top speed (speedometer, I have no GPS) was 40. I live in hilly country and some of the hills as I neared the top, would have me chugging along from 5-7 mph.
My plan was to use the 50cc for a time, then switch to a 125 or 150 cc.
Then I had the Roughhouse derestricted, both exhaust washer and the spacer ring removed. Now those hills which had me doing 5-7 near the top, I usually clear at 18-20 mph. Running on the level, 50mph is easy. Since I live in hilly country, sometimes I do what I call "hill skipping"..that is, I run down one hill at a good speed so I can scoot up and over the next hill quite easily. Warning; don't get too vigorous with the throttle! I did that a couple days ago and was going down the first hill with the speedo buried at where 60mph would be indicated...when the exhaust suddenly got louder.. I carefully rode home (about 2 miles) and found that I had blown off the cover to my second problem, I put it back...but no more half throttle going down hill..i will keep it to an indicated 50.
I don't think the acceleration was improved however. I get about 80-82 mpg, rather than the 100 mpg which is claimed.. I'm sure my weight (200) helps the hills to keep my mileage down. I have been happy enough with my roughhouse, especially since derestriction, that I doubt I will go bigger.
I have taken day trips of up to 115 miles and could have gone much further if I wished. I think a long trip would be just as easy with this bike as with a 125-150cc will just take a bit longer. I don't plan on any modifications beyond the derestriction.
I did put a Prima medium windshield on it.. I didn't notice any gain or loss in performance, but the comfort level definitely went up !

Last edited by Oldgunner; 08-19-2017 at 09:57 PM..
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