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Old 06-27-2017, 10:05 AM   #13
sc00ter   sc00ter is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Norfolk, VA
Posts: 597
Cheapskate got the FleaBay guy to ship the part, guess Flea guy got a family member to do it since he's on vacation. I hope the part is not damaged or gets lost in the mail. Worse would be the wrong part gets shipped! Now if you have a Metro or Ruckus take note. We have another Metro owner at work named Jim. Jim's Met has around 9000ish miles on it. Its in great condition, never abused and he performs all the service work according to the service manual. I told him to check the reduction box oil because of Cheapskates issue and Jim did. Jim said only about 2 THIMBLES worth of nasty oil oozed out. So, he did a quick flush and got it re-filled to the proper level. Reduction box was not mentioned for oil changes in his service manual. He's gonna change it every year now just to be proactive.
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