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Old 12-30-2015, 11:29 AM   #4
kz1000st   kz1000st is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Hyde Park, NY
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I think the SCB is just ridiculous. In 2008 an SYM HD-200 trounced a certain Italian brand. In 2010 that Italian brand tasted victory. In 2012 somebody hid a 250cc Ninja under a 1947 Campbell scooter and not only won but scored a perfect trip with no Penalty Points. His score was in the next Century ahead of number two on the list. Moral. A motorcycle is a better Scooter Cannonball Runner than a scooter.

Do you know what won ahead of a certain 250cc Italian brand in 2014? A 110cc Honda Elite. It just ran and ran. The way I heard the story the owner rode it from his home in California to the start in Alaska, rode the SCB and Amerivespa at the finish. Then rode home. Score a big one for Japanese scooters and reliability.

Here's what I know. I believe in my heart I could do the Cannonball on my Fashion and not get sucked into a race. I've done more than my share of long distance rides and know how to preserve my equipment.

But say I did. I already know the excuses I would hear. "See. That only goes to show how one Chinese scooter out of a thousand is good and the rest suck." Or, "He got lucky. No other Chinese scooter can do that."

No, I'm secure in the knowledge that I could string 600 mile days on end with my 1991 CB250 Nighthawk while a bunch of guys with a certain Italian brand struggle with belt changes and balky electrical connections after only 300 for a few days.

All SCB does is point out the need for a 650cc scooter for a long ride.
2008 Eagle Milano 150- 9,679 miles
2009 Honda Rebel 250- 10,434 miles
2009 CF Moto Fashion- 16,023 miles
2009 MC-114 50cc Cub Clone- 4,317 miles

That's 30,049 China Scootin miles and Counting.
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