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Old 09-14-2014, 05:29 AM   #1
Scooters Plus of Milford CT- Great shop, cool owner
by blueboy5000 blueboy5000 is offline 09-14-2014, 05:29 AM

A while ago I place my seasonal parts order from my parts supplier in China. So, naturally, I'm waiting a few months for some basic parts, and my personal bike blows it's starter relay solenoid.

So I decided to check out Scooters Plus in Milford CT, as they are somewhat local. Great shop! Very clean, very organized, lots of cool parts and accessories at very good prices. Sold me a new solenoid for under 20 bucks, and is very well stocked on basic parts. John has many Keyways w 1p40 brand new for very low prices.

A great shop, great prices, great selection, and friendly staff.

I'd rate John and Scooters Plus at 5 of 5 stars. Highly recommended.

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