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Old 04-05-2014, 06:44 PM   #2
Luked   Luked is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 24
Thank you everyone, I've got the feeler. There were several sets of different sizes, I got the smallest, and hope it's the right size!

The valve is beneath the top? I keep delaying the next steps as I worry I'll screw something up I don't know how to fix, but it's not exactly running now.. That needle popping out was just one example.. Yes, I did get the needle put back in Rhomp, but it's really soft, and while I straightened it, I just straightned it with my fingers, and I think it's still slightly wavy.. (?)

That's good to know that a scooter has an automatic valve peacock and motorcycles have a manual one. That's the one I'm looking for that might be stuck open, right? Does 'valve peacock' mean it's in with the valves? Are the valves under the carb?? Since I've had speed throttle issues too, maybe that's all related, and simply cleaning up the area and adjusting the valves will resolve both issues.................... :-)

Rhomp, when you say 'inside the bowl, is that the part immediately under the spring pin, plastic part, and rubber ring? Do I have to take the whole thing out?

I'll get back to work tomorrow seeing what I can figure out, and fixing the parts I can first. I'll re-post after my efforts, things just don't look the same in person. With pins flying, springs popping, and more bolts when I put everything back together then there was when I started, I'm seriously thinking about recording, and posting for your entertainment-

Thank you for all the support!

Ride like your life depends on it!
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