Thank you Rhompin! I do think it was the carb with the spring, it was in the engine under the seat, and a light weight spring popped out of the center of the cylinder, but was re-secured when I screwed the cover for it back in. If the float is in the carb, maybe I did screw it up? Doesn't seem like the vac line should do that, and it didn't seem to get disturbed. I understand I'll need to learn about small engines, but I"m afraid I'm too newb, and will take it apart, but won't know how to put it back together. I really need to find someone in Denver to work on it with. I'm afraid I also don't have the electric tools you're supposed to use to tighten the bolts and stuff.
I'm going to locate the bolt underneath, and try to tighten, then take the carb out, and put it back in, make sure the vac line isn't disturbed, and try starting it on empty.
I can understand how it might've been mis-spraying, but don't know why the entire tank would leak out through the chain drive after I turned it off if something wasn't stuck open.. *Ugh*, I guess I may as well break it some more on my way to fixing it-