So sorry to hear about your accident I hope you are allright
Im sorry to be the bearer of bad news but
There specs are wrong the Qlink hawk 50 is not lc but aircooled and does not have a 3 valve head as it uses a2 stroke engine and those use reeds and not valves it is a typical minarelli clone
Here is there video straight from the site
You cant always trust the online specs as they do make mistakes when posting them sometimes
On a plus note it is a 2 stroke and imho if your gonna get a 50 cc scoot a 2 stroke is the way to go
Take care and ride safely my friend
Yours Hank
"4wheels move the body 2 wheels move the soul"
Duty, Honor, Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.
Douglas MacArthur