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Old 08-21-2013, 10:47 PM   #1
prodigit   prodigit is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Miami, FL
Posts: 390
Replacement China racing bike;Sports or naked?

So the Ninja 300 is out of the question.
Not only because of it's ridiculous price hike ($5500 it is now), but also because I just heard that it's a smaller bike than the following chinese bike, which is recommended for 6' riders (between 5'6" and 6'6").
And I happen to be almost perfectly between both, at my 6'3"!

So I'm looking around, and found these 2 bikes.
1: racing bike:

2: Naked bike:

The naked bike is $100 more. What draws me to it is the digital speedo:

compared to the analog speedo on the racing bike:

Both bikes have ~65MPH, ~70MPG.
I saw the vid, they are tuned for fast acceleration.
The racing bike has a 46T rear sprocket, which can easily be changed to a 36T. Doing so, should up the top speed from 65 to 80MPH, and the MPG from 70 to 90MPG (or 75 to 95MPG).

You think it's a good purchase, or should I remain with my MC-05-127 (which goes 60MPH already, and hits almost 100MPG), or still go with a Kawasaki Ninja 300?

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