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Old 03-08-2013, 03:12 AM   #6
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Posts: 994
This will be closed just to prevent any problems. If anyone wants to continue the discussion, or has any questions, please feel free to PM or email me.

The thing is, it was never meant to be 'split' up at all. No reason it should be. This was the direction the former Admin, and myself (now having absorbed all his duties), wanted the forum to go. It was planned close to a year in advance.

So here's the problem. A corrupt webhost (the host the old forum ran on) decided they wanted a piece of everyone else's hard work. They're only in it to make money from ads, so of course they didn't want the forum to leave them. So instead of letting us close down the forum so we could forward everyone to SD's new home and keep the community together, they decided to hostily take it over and lock us out. Mind you, their normal policy is that you can lock down or delete your forum at any time, which is what many forum Admins have done in the past. I guess if your forum makes them money, that changes.

Since it was left open and Admin-less, there wasn't much we could do. But no fear, the staff of the old forum will surely do what's right, and direct everyone in the proper direction, right? Think again. Enter a couple of opportunistic squatters that decided they were entitled to the forum now. Instead of keeping the community together in one place and helping to direct everyone to the new SD, they decided they could benefit from it if they directed them to their own forum. Instead of following the original Admin's wishes, the one who the forum wouldn't even exist without, they opted to take advantage. To hell with the guy that spent tons of hours in preparing, and just as much money. How convenient.

It's a classic case of people taking advantage of a situation to suit their own needs. These are the facts, plain and simple. This is exactly how everything happened. But you won't hear the real story from anyone else I'm sure. It's up to the members to decide who was right and who was wrong by the facts given. I challenge anyone to prove any of this false. They know how to reach me, my email is everywhere on here.

So I guess what I'm saying is, I sure as hell didn't want the community divided. Lee didn't want it divided. You'll have to ask the others involved why they wanted it to be.

I know I'm sleeping well at night.