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Old 03-06-2013, 11:53 AM   #48
inuyasha   inuyasha is offline
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Originally Posted by prodigit View Post
There are plenty of ATM lovers on the forum. Also plenty of ATM's and VIPs on South Beach. Yet the only ones I see in the garages are the VIPs. Seemingly they just ramble apart.
As far as size, the ATM is very small, however, I'm, 6'3" and if I sit on the passenger's seat I still have about 1 ft of leg/knee space in front of me.
I'm 6'3" and sit most comfortable on the place between driver's and the passenger's seat.
It's pretty comfy for me!

The ATM is a one person rider. I can ride with my wife, but my legs would have to be open in order to be able to sit on the drivers seat.
You really don't want to haul 2 people on a 50cc anyway. Way too slow! But should you want to, the ATM does not have passenger pegs, but it has incavings in the body, where the passenger can put his/her feet; at the edge of the floorboard.

As far as speed goes, the ATM beats the competition right out of the water!
With good fuel, and pumped tires, even at 200+LBS you can reach 40-45MPH (I'm 170LBS on a good day 160BS, and can go 48-53MPH tops).
Most VIPs aren't that fast.

Then again, perhaps I'm lucky and got the only good ATM out there.
However I spoke to another user who has an ATM, and he too had no issues with it!
From the factory, all bolts sealed with a sealing agent like locktite.
All I had to do was to mount the hose clips on the correct spots (under the seat there are few hoses. The clips are on the hoses, but not on the right spot, so I moved them; a 5 - 10 minute job).
Also, if you're into perfection, the reflectors on mine where installed upside down (the imprinted text was upside down), though in normal circumstances you won't even notice that, since the reflectors are round.[/QUOTE
I could be wrong but i thought you had a secret 63 didnt you post a picture with 6b on the case, if not you have the fastest stock 50cc ever shoot that beats hanks 3000+ sr50 top speed and hangs with my 70cc 2t cpi with countless dollars invested in aftermarket parts, but i have had both body styles the handsome boy wasnt taotao
Hi Teddy
Not quite
He still has a ways to go to match the performance of my "April"
Highest speed yet to date 63mph at 11,000 rpms

Sr 50 top speed by inuyasha50, on Flickr
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank
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