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Old 03-03-2013, 04:43 PM   #6
tdsj   tdsj is offline
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A lot of information to take in again. @teddy554 is there a specific carb you would recommend otherwise I might just wing it and pick what ever I find online at a reputable chinese parts outlet. @prodigit i did some searching on youtube for the atm50 and noticed a few that seemed to get above 45. there was one guy on there though that had a windshield and drilled holes in his exaust and added what he called a 95 jet for the carb. I know what jets are but I dont remember if he said what size was in it orig. I'm wondering if since the VIP is slower if it would be less strain on the engine and cause it to last longer? I think my cousin has an atm50 but i haven't been over to his place in a while. I don't know how he has ridden it but he keeps it in a really nice shed that is sealed all around. it takes him a good 10-15 minutes to get it started during colder weather and then about another 10 minutes of letting it warm up. if he doesn't let it warm up it will die when he throttles it. I know this can happen with any cheaper scooter. Aside from things mentioned before I'm just also trying to figure out if they both have the same engine why the vip cost substantially more. I would hope it wasn't just from looks lol.
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