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Old 01-30-2013, 10:25 PM   #1
carasdad   carasdad is offline
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Originally Posted by Payneib View Post
I totally agree with you that "playing god" is having a detrimental effect on evolution, both of our species and others. WRT the on going human evolution, there's more than one "type" of evolution (that I know of). One is due to change of surroundings. This means that either due to migration, or climate change, or the introduction of a predator, or some other external influence, one (or more) aspect of a species becomes non-viable, and one (or more) aspect of a species becomes advantageous. This means some individuals will die out, while others will flourish. This won't happen to us while we're bulldozing rainforests, rounding up native people's into reserves etc and laying down nice big swathes of concrete to live in. While we control our surroundings, our surroundings won't control us. (I don't mean to cause any offence there: it just seems more likely that an indigenous people, living a "natural, prehistoric" lifestyle would be more likely to evolve than a modern western people in a fabricated environment)

The other form of evolution being mutation. Mutations happen all the time. It just so happens that occasionally some of them "work" better and enable a species to thrive, expand, and destroy other species through competition for resources. How will humanity evolve with modern medicine "rectifying" all mutations? How do we know that the next great evolutionary step for our species is being surgically removed and treated with steroid cream?! Lol

But this "playing god" theory is a double edged sword. Yes, viruses and bacteria are evolving faster and faster to survive our treatments, but look at the 1918-1920 Spanish Flu pandemic compared to SARS: one killed around 50 million people worldwide, more than WW1, where as the other is supposed to be the scariest thing out of China since the GY6 engine, and only killed 774. So yes, "bugs" are evolving in reaction to external influence, but not nearly fast enough to realistically cull the host population (us).

And because we as a species evolved the ability of speech and communication, the OP of this thread no longer needs to survive in a green jungle looking for a sexy red arse, he can just tell a prospective mate, "I want to be on you" and see what she says. Also, as its wait we could deem a negative mutation (no offence ment) in terms of evolution, he would die out sharpish, but due to our species "playing god", we now have a valuable contributor to our little scooter society who hasn't been eaten by a tiger (orange cat in a green jungle!).

But of course I could be wrong!
+5..Excellent write up. Pass the crack pipe and all the other comments I do not understand. I think intelligent and insightful conversations are good...they get peoples minds clicking and get them out of the mundane habitual mode of thinking we all end up falling into.. Anyway..I could be more from me. *Tears up MENSA card and wishes like hell his mother would have played "Shake the baby" in a very aggressive manner with him so he can be accepted by society*... :(

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