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Old 01-30-2013, 09:20 AM   #12
imnts2   imnts2 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Pensacola Florida & Italy
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All of you were more or less dam lucky. So was I. Vietnam and Korea and Japan and the closest I came to getting scared was an ofd duty South Vietnamese soldier pulled a pin at the end of the alley I lived on in Saigon and blew himself apart. In fact so lucky I have been half ashamed till recently.

Yes, it is nice that a few civilians act like they think we are not dirt. But I noticed that the sales clerks at Lowes no longer say anything about it, when I show my ID and ask for the 10% discount. They used to thank us for our service.

But pay attention to the US governement. Pay attention to how our damaged brotheres are treated. A friend who had his knees permanently damaged from a bad chute landing is still waiting for surgery and I have no doubt it will not come before he goes on Medicare and thus gets off VA's budget. The VA is underfunded. It always has been and always will be. Your retirement with not keep up with the real changes in the cost of things you buy Hank, . I could go on, but I think we all know the drill. Look at the homeless and the suiside and unemployed statistices. Frankly, as a businessman, I hate the fact that I often cannot find a younger vet that I can trust with with my customers.

I think it is a serious problem. I am a bit worried about it. But those of you as young as Hank perhaps need to worry more.

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