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Old 01-29-2013, 03:17 PM   #12
Lefty   Lefty is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: midwest
Posts: 93
If I know, the way I look at it, is explaining how things work to a person with a problem or even others that are responding helps everyone. If they did not know now they know and can in the future help others with that knowledge.

If the explanation actually corrected someones bogus suggestion or advice may cause bad feelings instead of taking the information given and storing it in his or her brain for future use that is find with me. It is better to set things straight IF you know and not have the person with a problem sent in the wrong direction looking for the problem.

A very good example I see a lot of is "PUT IN A BIGGER JET" when nothing was changed on the scoot and it was running fine for hundreds and or thousands of miles before it started acting up. That is wrong advice and or suggestion plain and simple.

That is just one story in the big city so be carefull out there.

For those that know me I do not mean to offend anyone I may at times be blunt and to the point but that comes with age so they say, so don't take it personnal. I do not dilly dally or beat around the bush or throw kissies just to have someone like me.

There is a saying that goes like this which is so true:
If you do not have an enemy your doing something wrong.

Three Wheels keep me up
You’ll never be old and wise if you weren’t young and crazy
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