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Old 01-29-2013, 02:50 PM   #13
qwertydude   qwertydude is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 139
Here it is fresh off the youtube video editor. The coffee machine is a Mr. Coffee ECM-160. It's probably the highest quality and also the least expensive of the steam powered espresso makers I've run across at $40. Many are cheaply made and tend to not seal tightly so they leak or just don't provide the kind of brewing pressure.

Of course you need to buy a grinder, I use the Hario Skerton ceramic grinder, I've modified mine with a ball bearing for smoother, more consistent, and less effort grinding. And of course the tamper, it's a 49mm tamper.

All put together you can buy all three pieces on Amazon for $91 and make your own Starbucks style espresso drinks for a lot cheaper and better quality plus experiment with different beans, roasts, and grinds to customize your coffee experience.

If you don't feel like grinding your beans yourself I find the best preground espresso actually is Cafe Bustelo, very inexpensive yet still pretty good espresso coffee.

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