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Old 01-25-2013, 03:26 PM   #10
Lefty   Lefty is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: midwest
Posts: 93
Well for all those genius computer guys, I started my career as a PROGRAMMER writing software for mainframes and then pcs, as well as security software for both.
All you have to do is find the loophole in the software to get around anything. You can only do and think of so many ways that someone can get around it. Miss a few and it is found and there goes that part of the checks in the software. That is why all your current security software is always being updatee. They can only update once it is britched to plug the hole or holes.
I am retired now but I started back in 1969 programming, the going lanugage then was RPG, BAL and COBOL and Fortran, then the pcs hit then your Script,Basic,GUIs using C and C++. Gui programmers were a dime a dozen coming out of college and they still are. Many companies used to get VISAs for Chinese and India programmers and bring them over and house them like cattle working for peanuts. So with your 22 years you still have to lot to learn.

Three Wheels keep me up
You’ll never be old and wise if you weren’t young and crazy
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