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jdikov 03-27-2024 03:52 PM

Valley Scooters is for sale
Hi everybody,
Been a while since I have had time to get on here, hope everybody is OK and still riding. Big news is we are selling the biz.
After over 23 years running the biz Linda and I are trying to go into semi retirement mode. I'm 62 now so it is time to simplyfy things a bit. This is a great opportunity for somebody who knows about scooters and has a little time to devote to building a business. We have been selling parts through our website and by phone, email etc.. We do not advertise, just go by word of mouth and we manage to sell enough parts to keep us busy 4-5 hours/week. If a person were to devote a little more time they could easily double or triple sales in just a year or two.

It is a pakage deal. You get around $500k worth of inventory, website, supplier list and customer list. In addition I will supply consulting services to help the new owner get started placing orders with China, arranging shipping etc.. I can adjust to whatever the new owner wants to do. We have parts that take up the space in a tractor trailer truck or so. We can help arrange a truckng company to make the move. Obviously this costs $ so we are very flexible when it comes to price of the business. We would love to get get close to $100k for the biz but really don't know how to price it. Just seems like a fair number. If asked what it is worth I say whatever somebody is willing to pay for it. So don't let the number scare you off, we will work with you.

If you want more info give me a call at 203-500-0960 be happy to give you more details.

thanks you all,

Jack 807 08-24-2024 03:42 PM

I've been away for a very long time. Where you able to sell your business?

All the best to you and yours,

jdikov 09-06-2024 12:04 PM

Not yet but I have started a clearance sale for everybody. You do not have to be a dealer. Just sign up to see prices. SOme examples: Gates belts $7.99, 50cc starters $8.99
Here is a link:

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