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Admin 03-14-2013 03:51 AM

More scary stuff..
Hope everyone was OK :s

prodigit 03-14-2013 01:35 PM

Is like playing bowling, hit all 4 targets in one blow; Success!!

So who's at fault? The driver of the car, or the scooter?

The scooter rider should have anticipated this, and not pass a car so fast. He wasn't driving defensively.
The car on the other hand, should have looked rear mirror, and blind spot, before turning. However, the car should also have moved to the right lane, and not try to make a right last minute.

IMHO, the scooter rider was to blame for this accident!

spandi 03-14-2013 04:23 PM

After watching all these videos I've decided to close my eyes when I'm on my scoot so I won't be scared. :ugh::nuts:

prodigit 03-14-2013 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 518711)
After watching all these videos I've decided to close my eyes when i'm on my scoot so I won't be scared. :ugh::nuts:

I thought you where going to say, you'd close your eyes when watching the video's!

Glad that got sorted out!>D

inuyasha 03-14-2013 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 518711)
After watching all these videos I've decided to close my eyes when i'm on my scoot so I won't be scared. :ugh::nuts:

First take some lessons from this gentleman
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

spandi 03-14-2013 05:15 PM

With the way people drive in SoCal echo-location might be a great thing FOR THE OTHER DRIVERS 'cause they seem to drive blind as a bat right now!

spandi 03-14-2013 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by prodigit (Post 518712)
I thought you where going to say, you'd close your eyes when watching the video's!

Glad that got sorted out!>D

Naah, I watch. It's like Jerry springer without the yelling. :D

taz001 03-15-2013 11:14 AM

At fault
Definately the driver of the car at fault:doh:. If you look closely the driver of the car is following along behind the bus, then practically stops in the middle lane to make a right turn causing the accident. He made a right turn from the center, or "go straight" lane. Had to be in the lane the scooter was using to legally make a right hand turn. Scooter was in the right most lane which had two options, right turn or straight thru. Cage drivers that are that dense really PIZZ me off>:.

Something not to make light of, but my son who like the FPS games like Halo, Call of Duty would call that a triplekill. Good job for the guy driving the car you DUTCHBAG!!

prodigit 03-15-2013 05:54 PM

Well, from the camera it's very hard to see how the situation was.
The car may already be riding on the right lane, and the scoot may be overpassing the car on the right shoulder, which would be illegal.

The car may also be in the center lane, trying to make a right illegally, while the scooter may be on the right lane, which could be a lane for right only, trying to overtake the car instead of making a right; which would also be illegal.

So in both those cases, the scoot would be at fault, and there's no way you can figure out from the angle of the vid, what exactly was the case, unless you have more info available...

Regardless of this, the scoot wasn't driving defensively.
When I ride behind/next to a car, that drives suspiciously slow, I try to match the speed of the car, and overtake it ~+5MPH; not fly by them. I'd have a 6th sense telling me that car is not doing what it supposed to do (you can see from the vid, that it actually drives a lot slower than all other traffic).
And the car making a right, would be in one of my simulated possible scenario's.
If it did make a right, right in front of me, ~5MPH gives me sufficient time to apply emergency braking.
Racing past the car at speeds greater than 20MPH faster than the car, does not give me any safety zone, in case something does go wrong.

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