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J Boogie 06-02-2014 11:20 AM

greetings, knuckle busters!
I am 36yo dude from Dallas, got my first scoot a few months ago. Bought a GY6 (TaoTao VIP/Powermax 150) with about 6k miles from a kid used for about $350. I knew it needed work and didnt care (seemed like a fun way to spend some time and money). Rode it around for a bit but once it stalled at the end of my street and would not restart for anything, I decided I would not drive it further than I feel like walking it home, until I could work on it a bit and know for myself what was what. Have been studying these forums and other resources and working on getting it as reliable as possible... eliminated a need for complete rebuild even though there is definitely oil leaking from somewhere, the levels never drop (dipstick) so I am assuming, as I have read, that these things spraying a tiny little bit of oil is inevitable and that my pressure must be good enough or levels would drop (??).

So far, I have replaced upper end (upgraded 24mm stock carb with a 30mm+new intake, + 3-prong spark plug, + replaced all crappy black tubing with good blue plastic feul lines (quite a few of them had leaky cracked spots at junctions) :tup: Having problems with carb being too big but already posted in the correct forum for help (still hopeful someone will help me).

anyways that is about it as far as intro/basic details... anyone in the Dallas (TX) area that knows of group rides or wants to get out and scoot around, ...holla! anyone that wants to help me with my problem, my post is here

Admin 06-02-2014 01:11 PM

Welcome to ScootDawg, glad to have ya! :tup:

Go Cowboys! :)

Gimpdog 06-03-2014 12:15 PM

Hey, J Boogie, welcome on board!! We have a few members in in the Dallas area.

But, seriously, Admin? You, being from NY?? Cowboys?? Come On!!! LOL

Admin 06-03-2014 02:08 PM

I know, I know. Believe me, I get hassled about it constantly around here. lmao :D

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