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Admin 10-01-2013 03:39 PM

SUV driver chased, beaten after hitting motorcyclists
This just happened Sunday..

spandi 10-01-2013 03:48 PM

There is NO excuse for this type of behavior. If the motorcyclists felt wronged then it should have been a police matter. You don't go around shattering people's car windows. Lock 'em up!

inuyasha 10-01-2013 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 523556)
There is NO excuse for this type of behavior. If the motorcyclists felt wronged then it should have been a police matter. You don't go around shattering people's car windows. Lock 'em up!

I agree with ya my friend
And its more then just the shattered windows they pulled him out beat him and slashed his face severely
The poor mans wife and child had to witness the brutality of the attack first hand as well
I hope they get the maximum penalty that the law can impose, imho they have no place in society and should be imprisoned
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

rockie 10-01-2013 05:39 PM

At .27, is that where the cyclist was hit? I probably would have hit him too. Some people get on a motorcycle they instantly become owners of the road. They give the rest of us a bad name. Put them in jail, everyone of them need to be held accountable.

prodigit 10-01-2013 06:54 PM

Motorcyclists where at fault, according to witnesses, the first biker should have not cut off the car, and stopped.
Initially the driver stopped, but then the bikers started hitting the car.
That's when the driver of the car fled, and rode over the other bikes; which may have not been fair to the riders of the other bikes. However it's the bad behavior of the guys that caused the driver of the van to flee, and later those same guys doing horrible things to the rider, they all should get a big fine and go to jail!

One of the reasons I don't own a racing bike, because people with racing bikes are often seen as hotheads!

teddy554 10-01-2013 07:59 PM

They actually have a page setup asking for donation to cover one of the bikers medical bills

amac1680 10-01-2013 08:03 PM

In my neck of the woods a few of those idiots would have ended up shot. Not saying that's the right thing but this was a matter of "stand your ground".

Be Big

wheelbender6 10-01-2013 08:39 PM

I don't know what went on before, but the dirt bike rider that pulled in front of the Range Rover and then grabbed his brakes really ignited what had previously been just a verbal thing. I don't mess with bees and groups of motorcycles.

epyon96r 10-02-2013 01:08 AM

That's the stuff That hurts my stomach. It's a messed up situation

buford1488 10-02-2013 06:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
this would have made them leave ya alone.................

prodigit 10-02-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by buford1488 (Post 523565)
this would have made them leave ya alone.................

Or, may have ended in a Wild western movie with several wounded and dead!

Firehawk989 10-02-2013 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by epyon96r (Post 523564)
That's the stuff That hurts my stomach. It's a messed up situation

^This. Brutal.

SUV driver had every right to try and get his family to safety. Too bad the cops didn't get there in time to help him.

thumper650 10-02-2013 10:13 PM

This is how I imagine the first scoot dawg convention will go......, just slower speeds.

inuyasha 10-02-2013 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by teddy554 (Post 523560)
They actually have a page setup asking for donation to cover one of the bikers medical bills

Hi Teddy
After viewing that page i have even less sympathy as he was riding with a suspended license and should not have even been on the road
Direct quote from the website
"I am sorry for what happened to you for your family's sake. After checking out your YouTube videos you appear to be quite a street hooligan and thug; you even have one video of you blowing through multiple red lights and nearly causing an accident. The fact is that you were driving without a licence, and that your driving privileges were revoked until 2017 for habitual driving offences. I hope you pull through and this serves as a wake up call to stop riding like a thug and giving all of us riders and stunters a bad name."
I pray he recovers but i cant show any empathy
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Admin 10-02-2013 11:47 PM

My thoughts exactly Hank :tup:

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