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andrewrides1 03-06-2013 03:36 PM

carb issuers
i have a 50cc bbk perfed out, and im having some carb issues. Back firing and when i hit the throttle it bogs down and dies out. any advice.

scootnwinn 03-06-2013 03:44 PM

When does it back fire? Is the carb/intake all stock? What size bbk? Exhaust type? What Have you already tried? I can guess randomly if you prefer it. ;) <- (that was gentle sarcasm)

andrewrides1 03-06-2013 03:52 PM

after market exuast. i tried adjusting the carb but no cigar. it only backfired a couple times today when coming home from school. but it never has befor. bbk size 72cc. checked vacuum lines everything seems good. the only thing i can think of is the jet i only have an 86. maybe too small.

scootnwinn 03-06-2013 03:59 PM

Have you checked to see what color your plug is? Does it backfire when you close the throttle or open it? Did you move the needle when you "adjust the carb"? If not, if you think it's too lean or plug says it is try lifting the needle (move the clip down a notch) see if it improves. How many notches are on your needle? try adjusting it on the needle until you notice a change for the better. You may need to rejet but tuning with the needle will give you a better indication as to which way you should go. Do a plug chop and post the results for the best advice.

teddy554 03-06-2013 04:49 PM

do you have a performance cdi that will cause backfiring also, your jet should be fine but to rule that out you can go up the next size

millsc 03-06-2013 05:31 PM

my exhaust will pop sometimes, does it pop or actually backfire, all the cheaper exhaust i've put on pop every so often because they are cheap and leak from the rivets.

andrewrides1 03-06-2013 06:19 PM

wont start now any ideas. moved the needle up had to make a groove because it didnt have one. more of a pop millsc. good to hear from you on this new site you always give good advice.

scootnwinn 03-06-2013 06:38 PM

Bummer check the plug is it wet after a period of cranking? Check spark, fuel, and pray its one of those. When was the last valve check??

andrewrides1 03-06-2013 06:53 PM

i adjusted the valves about a month ago. ill be back in a minute

andrewrides1 03-06-2013 07:04 PM

ok im getting a spark how do i check for fuel.

scootnwinn 03-06-2013 07:11 PM

there are at least 2 ways. There is a screw on the bottom of the float bowl generally, unscrew it and see if fuel leaks out (sometimes there is a hose attached under there and the fuel will leak out the hose) Also pull the fuel inlet line it should have fuel depending on where your tank is located it will flow freely or trickle. If your tank is floor mounted check to make sure the pump works by cranking it while the line is disconnected it should squirt fuel. Some gravity feed tanks have a vacuum pet cock that works similarly.

You can also try artificially introducing fuel into the carb mouth to see if fires and runs for a moment. If it does it definitely has a fuel issue...

millsc 03-06-2013 07:24 PM

unplug the fuel hose that goes to carb, then unplug the hose on the manifold suck on the hose you unhooked from the manifold gas should come out the fuel hose that you unhooked from the carb, if it doesn't the petcock is bad or clogged

millsc 03-06-2013 07:27 PM

mine pops sometimes, my plug looks good and my scoot runs great so i ignore it.

andrewrides1 03-06-2013 07:29 PM

ok well i unplugge the hose on the petchcockfrom the fuel filter and after the gas spilled out plugged it back together and its running fine so in guessing this is some sort of fuel problem. why would that fix it. any ideas?

millsc 03-06-2013 07:30 PM

read my post on how to check for fuel and do that your petcock most likely was clogged sucking on the hose unclogs it most of the time

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