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scootnwinn 03-05-2013 01:07 AM

Birthday Ride/Boy's first scoot ride
Well yesterday was my birthday and it was a nice enough day that a scoot ride for no reason was in order. I had thought of taking a long ride but decided instead to take my second son with me on a shorter ride so we took a short (50 mile round trip) ride out to Echo Canyon near Ghost Ranch New Mexico.
Here is the boy ready to ride. When I took this first picture he said "I think you should post this on Scooter Dawg since this is my first ride." It wasn't all that cold but he said the wind made his face tingly...
If you aren't from Northern NM The following pictures may result in extreme envy and discomfort with you current geography. The excessive beauty released by these photos may unsettle you and give you strong urges to move to where such views are less than a half hour from your house... END PSA
Ok I won't say much the pictures take care of most of it...
Stupid hay truck seriously 30 in a 55 zone...
Echo Canyon
Stopped at the local grocery store "Bode's" (that's bodees for you non New Mexicans) for a soda and had a pic taken then home we went
Well hope you all enjoy!

Admin 03-05-2013 01:56 AM

Very cool! I'm sure you two had a blast! :tup:

Looks like such a fun, beautiful ride! :nod:

scootnwinn 03-05-2013 01:57 AM

We did he has never been on a ride longer than a mile he really enjoyed it.

Why doesn't this show in the recent posts on the side of the main page?

MEAN_MOTOFINO 03-05-2013 02:09 AM

Ill admit your scoot is growing on me. I usually dont like the style/look of anything above 150cc but yours is really sharp. The color may have a lot to do with it oh and also it being a SUZUKI :yay:

Cool pics!! :thanks:

scootnwinn 03-05-2013 02:13 AM

I like most Suzukis and yes the Burgman is cool looking. I rode a GS1100 for years and I like the way it looks but the scoot is just a well made machine in every way. Thanks glad you enjoyed the pics I know I enjoyed the ride

Admin 03-05-2013 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 517903)
Why doesn't this show in the recent posts on the side of the main page?

Ooops.. fixed. Didn't have this forum added to the list to be shown in the side column since I added this forum just recently.

Sorry 'bout that. :hehe:

scootnwinn 03-05-2013 02:36 AM

its all good there are always bugs. You are doing a great job here! Thanks

Admin 03-05-2013 02:39 AM

Thanks sir, appreciate the kind words! :)

scootnwinn 03-05-2013 02:41 AM

de nada...

MEAN_MOTOFINO 03-05-2013 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 517915)
You are doing a great job here! Thanks

I agree :tup:

inuyasha 03-05-2013 08:46 AM

Hi Rob
Looks like a wonderful day out
Great looking scenary though i prefer an ocean view myself
So are you going to teach him to ride motorbikes?
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

50cc 03-05-2013 12:01 PM

Looks like scooterist's heaven where you are - long roads and no annoying traffic.

scootnwinn 03-05-2013 12:59 PM

Don't forget wide shoulders...

richardthescooter1 03-06-2013 04:44 PM

Very cool scootnwinn, glad you two got out. Love those long roads and the look of the country side.

Frank Castle 02-07-2014 01:42 PM

wow...awesome pictures, that scenery is superb, gotta teach em' young

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