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GaScooter23 07-10-2015 12:44 AM

Whos online?
Forum seems dead. Where everybody at? About how many users are on a day and is there any other forums I can join

bull 07-10-2015 05:55 AM

As a relatively new user or member of this forum, I can attest to the fact that many times I have hoped for more people to interact with. Unfortunately most people come here, get an answer to their question and never hang around to answer anyone else s questions, provide feedback or even say thank you.

Also the time of day when you are seeking input influences things. The admin here instituted a feedback system where users can "thumbs up or down" a particular reply recently and many have not noticed. Another feature he needs to add is an email that includes links to new comments/replies which would keep convo's going and make it easier on members. There are other things he could do, but I am sure that he is like the rest of us, very busy with our daily lives.

Yes, there are plenty of other scooter forums and some have some terrific info that is shared, but you should take the time to read their Terms of Service and more importantly read what the site staff talks about relevant to the forum. One very popular platform tracks their members AND visitors through cookies and malware- not a good idea. As a matter of fact, I had membership at a couple others and terminated them.

kz1000st 07-10-2015 02:41 PM

This is the time of year when people spend more time riding too. In the winter when everyone is stuck inside it is much more active.

GaScooter23 07-10-2015 03:27 PM

Yeah that's true. It nice out so I understand. Probably in the winter time it will be more active

Modene 07-11-2015 07:35 PM

Who on
I'm on & off several times a day just to see if there's any new post. I Post a new thread when I have a new idea or have added or installed something new on my Scoot. I always like to see new threads/ Post. It's so hot down here most of my rides are before 9am.

Modene 07-11-2015 07:36 PM


Irish 07-12-2015 12:33 PM

I think that MOST people (like myself) have too much else to do then spend the day on the computer. I know that I check at least once a day (if possible) to check new threads that concern me & to add anything of my own. I usually don't check other then that because I have other interests & to do things that I have to do or fulfill promises that I have made!:tup::yay: Irish

wheelbender6 07-14-2015 07:33 PM

Instead of posting new threads, a lot of members post responses almost daily to big threads like "What did you do to your scooter today". Most of the responses to a broad thread like that could have been posted as new threads. is the busiest scooter forum I've found, but you will quickly tire of hearing how great Vespas are.

Admin 07-15-2015 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by bull (Post 531983)
Another feature he needs to add is an email that includes links to new comments/replies which would keep convo's going and make it easier on members.

You mean like a newsletter? We do have a newsletter that we send out a couple times per year. Any more than that and you risk annoying people. :D

bull 07-15-2015 12:04 PM

Not a newsletter, but a simple email that lists all the threads that I have commented on. Then I can decide if I need to comment again. Of course this email would be sent to everyone that commented or subscribed to that particular thread.

Newsletters are a whole different item. A newsletter that is nothing but marketing all the time gets old quickly and can annoy people - but a newsletter that talks about relevant items to the forum would be more welcome even if it had some institutional advertising in it. Of course each member should be allowed to "opt out" if they so choose.

Admin, If I need explain better let me know

Admin 07-15-2015 01:46 PM

Our Newsletters contain only 'hottest threads', 'popular threads', etc.. no advertising at all. It's a great way to get people back on the forum that maybe haven't visited in a while.

You can subscribe to all threads you've posted in, or even ones you haven't, in your User CP.

Irish 08-03-2015 11:54 AM

I usually go on this site(at least) once a day. Lately ,for the last few days(weeks?) there is at least one new member. In that case , there should be plenty of people online:clap::tup: Irish:scoot:

kz1000st 08-03-2015 02:37 PM

I'm here more than once a day. It's part of a cycle of sites I visit. Like going to Modern Vespa to gather ammunition in support of Chinese scooters.

novaraptor 08-03-2015 04:21 PM

I log in every work day, along with another 3 scooter sites and the FJ owners forum, moving in and out through the day. Weekends, I browse the same forums from my tablet, but often don't log in... Looking at the number of times a thread is viewed shows that many people read the posts, but most don't stop to chat..

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