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ozarkman 12-12-2013 12:11 AM

Now for Something Completely Different
Something Different

To cold to ride so I'm bored.

Admin 12-12-2013 12:38 AM

Yep, I'd say you're bored! lmao

Gimpdog 12-12-2013 09:37 AM

Back when I was growing up in western NY, this was snowmobiling time...

Houndguy 12-13-2013 02:13 PM

Well there is always porn.

wheelbender6 12-13-2013 07:32 PM

I was afraid you were going to show John Cleese interviewing "the Man with 3 Buttocks".

techie610 12-14-2013 08:15 PM

:hmm: That's all to say.

Prefer 'Round the Rosy myself.. >D
Might wanna find something else to help get past these hard winter months. Don't want to get too.. ugh :nuts:
Legos', anyone? ;)

Bob Shaw 12-14-2013 09:37 PM

If it's too cold to ride, it's time to head to Florida. That's what I plan to do. They ride down there all winter.

ozarkman 12-16-2013 07:20 AM

I like winter!
Florida has other undesirables like daily rain showers, love bugs, gators and Blue Hairs to name a few.
Thanks, but the weathers not so bad in Missouri and I'll probably get out and ride today.

Bob Shaw 12-17-2013 07:37 PM

Well, I'm one of the "blue hairs", or at least a geezer. What hair I have left is more white than it is blue. But, while there may be a few gators, (Never saw one on the road), winters in Florida are usually dry with few if any bugs, except when the orange trees start blooming and they bring the honey bees in. It's always advisable to slow way down when passing a beehive. I think those sucker fly stinger first, and they either hit you in the middle of your face mask, or between your helmet and the collar of your jacket.

Right now I'm in Georgia and we are having great riding weather this week. It was 60 today and will be near 70 by the end of the week.

Irish 03-27-2015 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Shaw (Post 524548)
If it's too cold to ride, it's time to head to Florida. That's what I plan to do. They ride down there all winter.

I just moved to Fla. from NH. If you move to Fla. watch out for the cages! The drivers are HORRIBLE! Its dangerous driving a car nevermind
being on two wheels. I think that they think the signal lever is a place to hang your hat. Just a headsup! Irish:shrug:
P.S. Brush up on your defensive driving! I've been riding since I was 15. I'm 71 now & frankly , I'm glad for that experience!

Bob Shaw 03-31-2015 05:48 PM

I agree about the cagers down there (Fla). The residents are all in a hurry, and the snowbirds are lost or in a fog. I just upgraded to a Yamaha Majesty partly because I felt more unsafe in the 150cc. The big red bike is more visible than the little blue one, and can keep-up with traffic better. The Florida people will run you off the road on the two lane roads in central Florida. If you're not doing 70 mph, you're dead meat. IMHO

rks 04-01-2015 06:13 PM

That's a shame.....maybe just a sign of the times. I lived in Central Florida for a while, years and years ago. (Forest City, and Casselberry) It was 1965...I bought a little Honda S90, and rode all over that part of the state.

Have some very fond memories of those days....gasoline for $.22 a gallon, a plain burger at McDonalds for $.15, and another $.15 would get ya an order of fries.....And of course, being 17 years old, with a brand new Honda.......Boy, what I wouldn't give to go....well, you know

Irish 08-20-2015 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by rks (Post 530980)
That's a shame.....maybe just a sign of the times. I lived in Central Florida for a while, years and years ago. (Forest City, and Casselberry) It was 1965...I bought a little Honda S90, and rode all over that part of the state.

Have some very fond memories of those days....gasoline for $.22 a gallon, a plain burger at McDonalds for $.15, and another $.15 would get ya an order of fries.....And of course, being 17 years old, with a brand new Honda.......Boy, what I wouldn't give to go....well, you know

You're making me feel EVEN older! I got out of the service & got married in 1965. If someone thinks that it's too cold to ride , they didn't spend most of their life in New England! It's NEVER too cold to ride! I finally stopped riding in the winter because I set my street bike up for the Drags. I couldn't get traction on a dry road so winter was out!:nuts::yay: Irish:scoot::nuts:
P.S. In case you're adding. I graduated High School at 17 & had my folks sign me into the service about two months later! in 1965 I was 21.

ozarkman 01-06-2018 07:16 AM

It's still cold
1 Attachment(s)
It's so cold that frozen lizards are falling out of trees.

Hasn't gotten above freezing for 2 weeks now so not doing much riding.
What's the weather like where your at and have you been on any riding adventures?

sc00ter 01-06-2018 11:24 PM

The ice is so bad on the roads here, and the temps are hanging in the low 20's with wind chills near zero! The weather is supposed to warm-up mid-week and I will be back on the Burgman. Left over road salt always makes brake service work extra enjoyable no matter how often I rinse the calipers. Adventure is not ride related. I took the stupid kitten out to show him snow and he took off in 1 foot of snow and vanished for 2 days! He came back (he does know the 'hood) dirty with fleas so I think he hid under a house to stay warm with feral cats.

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