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sc00ter 06-17-2017 07:57 PM

How to help a cheapskate?
I have a friend who has around 40,000-yes-40,000 miles on his 03 Honda Metropolitan. Its getting a little long in the tooth and he really needs to just get something new or gently used. He keeps dumping money into this thing and stuff still breaks! I did take him by the Adly dealer and he got to test ride a Bullseye with a 70cc kit and sit on a sexy new white GTA, but he keeps going "But once mines fixed I can ride it again.". At least he now realizes how slow and tiny his Metro is. How do I get him to even consider a new or gently used scooter? He missed out on the 09 Zuma 50cc that I sold for $400, so that should have been a sign. I'm sick of working on GET motors! Im a 2 stroke guy at heart!

sc00ter 06-18-2017 10:03 AM

So this is what cheapskate guy did. New parts were around $100 but he ordered them from FleaBay for $25 used. I asked if the place had a refund offer in place and/or a warranty of any type, but he was just looking at price and ordered them.

Irish 06-18-2017 12:00 PM

I had a "friend" that was always getting new parts from me (my fault) with the promise of-I'll pay you later , I'm broke right now! I finally realized that he always had money for booze & dope but not for the parts! I finally wised up & started to take some of his things until he paid me. I got a nice sterio that way. You just have to wise up & stop being a nice guy!:s:shrug: Irish:scoot::nuts:

Ozo 06-18-2017 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by sc00ter (Post 535753)
I have a friend who has around 40,000-yes-40,000 miles on his 03 Honda Metropolitan. Its getting a little long in the tooth and he really needs to just get something new or gently used. He keeps dumping money into this thing and stuff still breaks! I did take him by the Adly dealer and he got to test ride a Bullseye with a 70cc kit and sit on a sexy new white GTA, but he keeps going "But once mines fixed I can ride it again.". At least he now realizes how slow and tiny his Metro is. How do I get him to even consider a new or gently used scooter? He missed out on the 09 Zuma 50cc that I sold for $400, so that should have been a sign. I'm sick of working on GET motors! Im a 2 stroke guy at heart!

He loves his scoot. Would you dump the one you loved in her youth to get a skinny new one. And he spent $25 on her, good for another 5000 miles.

sc00ter 06-19-2017 11:21 AM

If he was paying a shop to work on this worn out scooter it would be very different. He says he's broke, and I understand being tight on money, but there has to be a breaking point. Breaking point is were this Metro is at right now. Its so worn out that stuff is failing that normal riders never see. Its his only transportation because of medical issues. Oh well, at least he got to taste the power of a 70cc 2 stroke with front disc brakes and 12" wheels. I just dread when he calls me with a problem because it always gets worse when you get into it. This problem was technically not his fault. He never knew to change the reduction box/transmission oil and its not listed in the service manual as needing to be done! It seems the factory oil does not go as high mileage as he has, and the case got a small crack and the oil drained out. The whole rear of the scoot has been covered in oil forever, and he told me it was motor oil because he never put the washer back on the drain plug. Live and learn I guess. He's just lucky I help him with it because he's a friend and I know his situation.

bandito2 06-20-2017 01:32 AM

Seems like if he got it all together and working right, he could save himself trouble by keeping on top of it by doing regular inspection and maintenance... instead of riding it until something breaks down... You know the adage "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure"
just sayin

Roscoe 06-20-2017 06:30 AM

Sometimes we do things because they need doing. It's a fine line at times between helping and enabling but you can make a difference in other's lives.

sc00ter 06-20-2017 12:08 PM

Thats deep Roscoe! I just look at as if I help out him out then he may pay it forward and help someone else. Thats usually all I ask, pay it forward. I have a pretty good career so money is not a motivation BUT you cant buy time and I have a social life. I dont believe in Karma or the "What goes around/comes around" stuff, I just wanna see people smile and be pleasant towards each other. I know he will stay on top of the gear oil now though! This scooter being down and messed him up pretty good. He moved back home with his parents and he cant escape! Used part from FleaBay should be here this week. Going to take it into work, clean it in the parts cleaner and run it thru a Magnaflux crack checker! Not going thru this nonsense again!

Irish 06-21-2017 04:06 PM

Maybe , after ALL these years , I'm just not as soft touch anymore. When the same people hit you up for the same things , time after time , it's you that's being stupid. After awhile , you look at your bank account & realse who the real sucker is. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for helping someone , but after helping with the SAME things , it gets old!:shrug::hmm: Irish:scoot::nuts:
P.S. I was going to start another shop here but like my wife said , you're 73 now & do you reallyneed ALL that grief? Besides the parts , you have to keep up with ALL the NEW additions. As usual , she was right!

Smaug 06-22-2017 07:59 AM

Sounds like your friend is really on hard times, not being cheap. He couldn't even afford rent!

You're doing the right thing by helping him out however you can.

Since he's back with his parents now, can you talk him into letting him help you find a new scooter? He's not paying as much rent now, right? That one is cashed. Help him find a lightly-used Japanese 125 or 150. He'll be delighted.

My mom used to keep fixing her old 86 Escort, even when it was breaking every month. Until it wad costing more than a car payment. Your friend isn't quite there yet.

cheapeto 06-24-2017 08:46 AM

It's always good to help a friend....until you are enabling him to continue to make bad choices.

[This problem was technically not his fault. He never knew to change the reduction box/transmission oil and its not listed in the service manual as needing to be done! ]

I do not agree with this myself, if you are (him) going to ride in or use a piece of machinery for all your daily task's, why would not have/get/procure yourself a service manual for that equipment? And few basic tools?

The answer to that he can enable those around him to worry over that, and just keep playing the *gee, I'm broke, or gee, I cant do that* to get you to do it.

I'll fix a thing once for a person, the next time I'll let you use my tools and garage, but they will do the work, and in a timely's the only way we learn.

To much help is hurtful to that type of person, and that person will never even understand the beauty of paying it forward.

Handouts are or can be just great...or they can help keep a person in the prison of not doing for themselves.

I'm not saying this to be mean, but as a much much younger man, I would let others do work for me, and I could say, oh I don't know how, and I was learning NOTHING that way.

I never worked on a scooter until I got my chinadoll.
Then when I went to a used brand name, I found the full service manual for it's year, and paid the $60.00 and for 7 years now, other then inspections, tire swaps, it's never been in the shop. I probably just jinxed myself!

Can I do everything to it, no I can not.
But the money I saved by paying for the manual, will cover my costs when I do take it in to the Honda shop.

Just my $.02, and it not to judge them or berate them, or you the OP, but help and enabling bad behavior can be on the knife's edge, IMHO.

sc00ter 06-24-2017 09:25 AM

Service manual, whats that? I HATE when someone wants me to help them work on a scooter they have owned for awhile and they dont have one! Simple service things I can deal with. The "We can look it up online." option sucks to. I guess Im old and actually prefer a factory PAPER service manual. I still have service manuals for scooters/motorcycles I no longer own. I usually include them with the vehicle when I sell it on but some are still around for whatever reason. He (Metro guy) is doing most of the repair work and if the gearbox oil service interval was listed he would have done that also. But when the rear of the Metro first got covered in oil that should have been a red flag! THAT was his fault for not looking into it! Funny part to story! He orders the part used from FleaBay. The seller then notifies him that he is on vacation and will mail the part out WHEN HE GETS BACK. The seller is on a cross country RV trip! Will be about 3 weeks. Metro guy is gonna wait it out just to save the money. Back to square 1 for transportation.

sc00ter 06-27-2017 10:05 AM

Cheapskate got the FleaBay guy to ship the part, guess Flea guy got a family member to do it since he's on vacation. I hope the part is not damaged or gets lost in the mail. Worse would be the wrong part gets shipped! Now if you have a Metro or Ruckus take note. We have another Metro owner at work named Jim. Jim's Met has around 9000ish miles on it. Its in great condition, never abused and he performs all the service work according to the service manual. I told him to check the reduction box oil because of Cheapskates issue and Jim did. Jim said only about 2 THIMBLES worth of nasty oil oozed out. So, he did a quick flush and got it re-filled to the proper level. Reduction box was not mentioned for oil changes in his service manual. He's gonna change it every year now just to be proactive.

sc00ter 07-01-2017 09:42 PM

Done and it runs! Cheapskate needs to replace the rear clutch but I got it work for awhile longer. It's SUPER worn out! Now to fix my Burgman and see what fits the Adly RT50 from a Zuma!

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