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rawnmc 08-19-2015 12:51 AM

Felt engine bog, then died at next light?
First let me tell you, I live in Las Vegas, and it was a downright scorcher here today. I would say 110, when this happened. I had traveled about 15 miles and i felt the engine bog down slightly. About 75 yards later, approaching a red light, as I came to a stop, felt it cutting off, tried to give it some throttle, but it said no, im dead.

Anyone have advise to what might have went wrong. It will not start back up.

I have spark.
I have fuel flowing from fuel filter into the carb.
Engine is turning over with electric start.
Kick start attempts feel like their is less resistance.
Belt was fine.
Battery is fine.
Changed oil two days prior, Oil level is fine.
Hit 10,000 on this trip ironically.:shrug2:

I had limited tools on me, walked it to a friends house not far from where it died. Still had limited tools there. I am headed back in the morning with my impact and full arsenal of tools. But I need a gameplan of where to look next.

Trying to think of anything else that would help diagnose it.

skyrider 08-19-2015 08:21 AM

Mine did that too one time and it was a loose wire to the engine just above the muffler, but duh I don't know what it was for (something electric) I guess.LOL. Check for loose or disconnected wires/cables.

Firehawk989 08-19-2015 06:01 PM

Check your compression. If it's less than 100 you probably toasted the cylinder and you have a good excuse to get a 70cc kit! (Make sure you get a bigger carb with the correct jet sizes if you do that.)

Firehawk989 08-19-2015 06:03 PM

You could also have valves out of adjustment which could cause low compression if they are too tight.

This is highly likely if you have never adjusted the valves or if it has been a long time since they were adjusted.

minipopkart 09-02-2015 07:32 PM

What was this fix? :hmm:

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