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amac1680 02-27-2013 09:13 AM

Scooter givaway san deigo 3-6-13
Ok that was a shameless way to get attention. We are giving away scooters just not what you expected .

My organization , Segs4Vets, will be in San Diego next week awarding Segways to approximately 50 severely wounded service men and women.

please take a moment to view this video.

The presentation will be on the deck of the Midway on Wednesday march 6th.

All are welcome to attend. We will also be around town doing training so if you see us stop and say hello to theses heroes.

As a person who uses a Segway every day I understand first hand how this machine can help these fearless men and women move forward and live happy productive lives.

More can be found at

Be Big,

Please feel free to share this with anyone who cares about those that gave a piece of themsevles for our freedoms.

inuyasha 02-27-2013 10:54 AM

Hi Alan
First off let me thank you for your service and your sacrifice
I salute you
And thats a fabulous thing your doing for our disabled veterans and comrade in arms
Your organization sounds like a wonderful one, is there any way i can show my support donations Etc?, my wife also helps out disabled veterans in her capacity as head of the Kennedy centers ABI( Aquired Brain Injury) program
Take care and ride safely my dear friend and comrade
Yours Hank

Admin 02-27-2013 02:05 PM

Wow, what a great thing you're doing for these heroes AMAC! I'm impressed! :tup:

MEAN_MOTOFINO 02-27-2013 02:36 PM

Glad to see theres still some good people around, and you sir are one of them!

You are truly leading by example and I have much respect for you

God Bless

amac1680 02-28-2013 08:46 AM

Thanks for the kind words.

The power that drives our organization is the unwavering support of our volunteers and benefactors across the nation. We operate with two paid employees and all the rest is done by volunteers.

I've been blessed to have been a part of this from the start and to work with these young men and woman has been uplifting.

Hank you asked so I'll provide a link.

I looked at the Kennedy center site and that's wonderful work being done. So many of the guys I deal with have TBI, PTSD etc. don't know what's harder. At least my side is mechanical, the brains so much tougher to deal with. I wish all those working there nothing but the best.

Be Big,

inuyasha 02-28-2013 10:23 AM

Hi Alan
Thanks for the link will get a donation out, it may be a week or 2 as inuyasha's vet bill was more then i expected but rest assured i shall send one asap
Yeah my wife has a tough career but a very satisfying one
I help out when possible , taking the clients to breakfast or a movie, to a ballgame or a cruise on the ferry ETC
It always give one a good feeling to serve and take care of others
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

jonvolks 03-03-2013 05:48 PM

Thats a great thing you are doing for our disabled Vets. I am a Vet my self but thank God I have all my parts. Again Thank you for what you are doing.

prodigit 03-03-2013 06:44 PM

It's classified as a moped!

amac1680 03-04-2013 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by prodigit (Post 517770)
It's classified as a moped!

The Segway is not classified as a moped. Laws vary from state to state but none have it in the moped category.

Florida like many other states uses the term "Electric personal assistive mobility devices" that are in a class sepperate from mopeds, bicycles and motor vehicles. Although a state law may allow its use local law can superceed.

But once the Segway is used by a person with a disability it falls under the definition in the ADA, "other mobility device".

The definition of a scooter is much more vague. Most definitions for "scooter" start with the line "a child's toy". Then goes on to cover everything from a kids kick scooter to a Silverwing.

So is a Segway a scooter ? By definition well......maybe.
Legally it is neither scooter or moped.

Be Big,

st@rt 03-04-2013 03:10 AM

'tis a great thing you are doing, you should be very proud. Im sure its very fullfilling also.

Thank you.

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