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bloodymomo 11-12-2013 09:57 PM

please help me out
I would appreciate it if u guys n gals would take this poll, me and the misses are in an argument over this matter and we think this will be a interesting second look at societys views on the matter.Thanks again friends

Admin 11-13-2013 04:46 AM

That was an easy question. :)

Houndguy 11-13-2013 07:04 AM

Frankly it depends on the person. My ex-wife and I are to a point where we can be sociable. So can my current gf and her ex-husband.

I don't care for the guy she was dating before me because I think he's an asshole and a NO! on him. :)

Irish 12-28-2014 12:27 PM

I have been married for 49 1/2 yrs & I still feel the same way! A big NO! It's not that I don't trust her. I have no idea why she is still with me.
I'm a recovering Alcoholic ( 22yrs),ex-racer(cars & motorcycles) & a constant Hell-raiser. At night when the phone rang , she never knew whether it was the police , hospital , or just a social call! I finally wised up in the last few yrs & settled down but she probably didn't know that would happen. All of this with two daughters. After putting up with me for this long , I don't want her with ANY ex's! Irish:tdown:

rks 12-28-2014 04:42 PM

Married people should know better than to ever put themselves into that situation. If they don't understand why, then they are "but wholes"

Now if by 'significant other', you mean "shack up honey", then I would say you are free to do what you like...just as the other half of your household is.

As a side note....I've belonged to the married group for a bit more than 48 years....So my views may be considered old fashioned, and outdated.

cheapeto 12-29-2014 07:55 AM

Of course, at times, either of us are with ex's at some point in time.
To think we're going to be magnets, simply because we're close is just silly.
If I did not trust my wife, I'd not be with her.

Irish 01-19-2015 12:27 PM

Truer words were never spoken! Irish
P.S. By that I mean that-If I did not trust my wife , I wouldn't be with her!"

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