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rebel101150 01-25-2014 10:59 PM

150cc identical?
hey guys I live in NC and not to name shops but they sold me a 150cc shortcase and it's literally identical to the 49cc the wife got. They were around the same price so I said hey why not. I got no title or registration and they said just to stay under 35 in town. I have to ask with the legality of this is it likely to get caught? only difference is the speedo which could be changed pretty easily. He said all the guys in the shop drive them and I have nothing to worry about.:hmm:

Just seeing who has experience in this department. In north carolina a 49cc scooter doesn't require anything but to put on a helmet and ride and they are virtually identical externally.

Guest_3 01-25-2014 11:15 PM

rebel101150, Welcome to SD. :cheers:

EDIT, Giving bad advice.

rebel101150 01-25-2014 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by scooterwayne (Post 524867)
rebel101150, Welcome to SD. :cheers:

Good to know. I feel a bit better about it. thank you :D

Guest_3 01-25-2014 11:36 PM

Save the Wide Open Throttle fun for the back roads. :scoot:. :yay:

rebel101150 01-26-2014 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by scooterwayne (Post 524869)
Save the Wide Open Throttle fun for the back roads. :scoot:. :yay:

I live in a rural area so believe me that's the plan. But when I have to head into the next major city I plan on keeping it under 35. What's a VIP 150 future champion supposed to hit anyways guys? The engine is freshly rebuilt but I was going 55 at around 5500 rpm. didn't want to push it any further yet.

skuttadawg 01-30-2014 12:07 AM

Be careful ! A buddy of mine got arrested for riding a 150 with a moped tag , no insurance , no license , tag or registration . He got a 1,200 dollar fine . I have saw where some peel off the 1 on the 150 decal .

If you want a speedy scoot I would get a 2T as many can hit 45 with little or no mods , and modded really turn into a screamer . I had to get a MC tag on my 2T as it easily could out do moped speed limitations . In SC over the last two years cops have been going after those with a moped tag who go over 30 MPH . Mostly the city cops . I had my hot rod 50 with an 80cc BBK zooming one night and two cops pulled up beside me , pointed , laughed , and drove away . I am 6ft4 and was on a small scooter with 10s .

inuyasha 01-30-2014 02:34 PM

I would get your endorsement and get her registered and insured properly
If its the law in your state why not do the right thing
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

Guest_3 01-30-2014 06:44 PM

Yep, My bad & I wasn't thinking as a Mod. :doh:.

A few edits and all will be fine. :cheers:

rebel101150 02-02-2014 05:32 PM

Eh it's pretty normal here guys no need to worry. We don't use tags here even for 50s. A 150 shortcase is identical externally, even the guys at the shop ride them everyday. No one can tell the difference without looking at the speedo and i'm about to convert mine to a digital so i'm not too concerned. In addition the ticket for getting caught out here in nc is pretty easy to beat with a note from the shop, it happens from time to time and it goes fine typically.

Wideopen 02-02-2014 07:48 PM

I have an midsized sunny sport 150cc-170cc bbk in the works as of right now its not registered either. cops don't mess with us around here lots of people here ride them I ride mine all over. I do watch my speed around town and crank it up on back roads NC is full of them. Main thing I look out for is deer, and stupid negligent owners with animals.

rebel101150 02-02-2014 09:11 PM

out in rocky point here myself and they'd have to live in NC to understand the general leniency with it. They know you will die on the highway and most of these roads with a 49cc without mods and look the other way unless you are driving like a jackass. Rocky point is all rural, I flew 65 down the backroad no problem today and no one says anything (speed limit). Even at NC's infamous checkpoints you just kinda get waved through.

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