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scootnwinn 02-11-2013 07:37 PM

In a 34 horse open sliegh
I got a chance to put some non-work related miles on the scoot this weekend. I had a constituency meeting for my church today so I headed out yesterday afternoon. I stopped to stretch where we usually stop on the way to Albuquerque here is a couple of views of Santa Domingo Pueblo, cheapest gas in the state (I didn't need any though)
Those are the Sandias in the background here where I was going
In the background is the mountains I came from
The ride down was windy but not all that cold, I didn't even need the liner in my jacket. The Burgman pulled some serious hills into a 20-30 mph head wind with gusts up to 50. I managed to maintain my speed fairly well only dropping below 75 once. Got to my destination without any issues. I had planned to take more pictures on the way up because I had hoped the first snow of the season would skip us, it often does. After the meeting it was clear that was not going to so i only took this one picture when I stopped to add a layer before I began the ascent through the 2 passes into and out of Santa Fe this is the beginning of La Bajada "hill" it climbs up to Santa Fe adding about 2000 feet in elevation. You can see rather angry SNOW clouds in the distance.
When I came over that hill it was clear I was in for a wild ride. Normally you can see Santa Fe from the top of that hill but it was a wall of white. I had hope that it was just fog but yeah right it was snow. But it was, thank God, a very dry snow that was being blown around a lot but barely even wetting the roads. Coming down the north side of the next pass it got to where I had about 50-100 ft of visibility for about 5 miles but still the roads were not frozen just wet. The new tires worked well I never felt them slip once. By the time I got into the next valley it was back to a very dry windy spitting of snow and it was quite manageable, the roads were nearly dry and it didn't get real wet till i got close to home. The Givi windshield on the scoot kept me completely dry and I was nice and warm. All in all it was an interesting ride. I did sing a bit of "Jingle Bells", modified for scootin' of course, on the way, There was numerous verses of "Blessed Assurance" too. ;) Here's home after the "storm"

Now I think we need an
Rob is crazy ask anyone who knows him or the cagers he passed today. He will be on 2 wheels unless it is absolutely impossible to ride. Impossible to ride means different things to different people and wet roads require careful thought and skill to pilot. Once again Rob is crazy and neither him nor his wife (especially not his wife) nor this website or any other thing you could possibly imagine to be associated with him or any associations he may be associated with, would ever recommend riding in inclement weather. The only safe scooter riding occurs in the shed/garage on the main stand.
Hope you guys enjoyed the pics. BTW it was a 220 mile round trip and I enjoyed it all hope you all got a ride in... Don't forget ATGATT!!

teddy554 02-11-2013 08:48 PM

Nice picture, thanks for sharing.

cheapeto 02-12-2013 09:29 AM

Nice photos of your area.
Man, getting a 220 mile run in Febuary is a dream come true around here.
Thanks for sharing them.
Yeah, you gotta love a windshield, in cold.
I like running bugeater style also, but I love my windshield and leg guards too.

scootnwinn 02-12-2013 09:46 AM

I actually made that ride in early December. Sorry I forgot to mention it was a repost.

Thanks for the comments guys glad you enjoyed the pics I would have taken more but standing around with your gloves and helmet off in the cold with snow approaching is a pretty bad idea, right?

inuyasha 02-12-2013 10:12 AM

Thats some very beautiful scenary
Thanks ever so much for sharing that with us
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

st@rt 02-28-2013 04:16 AM

Beautiful Zuki. Man that seat looks comfy.

scootnwinn 02-28-2013 09:23 AM

That seat is as comfy as my couch... Thanks

Domindart 04-13-2013 03:28 AM

:thanks:..for sharing

Frank Castle 02-07-2014 01:33 PM

top notch

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