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amac1680 05-03-2013 06:24 AM

Oh sure blame the " cagers "
This guys a classic fool.

Guys looking to get smashed.

Be Big,

PS-I hate the term cager.

inuyasha 05-03-2013 01:40 PM

Hi Alan
I detest that term also, as i drive automobiles and trucks as well as i ride motorbikes
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

larrball 05-04-2013 04:49 AM

Cager or not the point is this guy is driving in the wrong lane and too far left in the wrong lane to boot.(for his speed in that lane)

That taxi driver has NO clue as to what is being said and only tried to pass because it would appear that the M/C drive is allowing him the space to do just that.

amac1680 05-04-2013 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by larrball (Post 520389)
Cager or not the point is this guy is driving in the wrong lane and too far left in the wrong lane to boot.(for his speed in that lane)

That taxi driver has NO clue as to what is being said and only tried to pass because it would appear that the M/C drive is allowing him the space to do just that.

Yepper the guys a fool with a death wish. One hand, no mirrors, giving commentary and begging to get hit.

Be Big,

Admin 05-04-2013 05:26 PM

Yea that was a little nuts. Way too far in the left of the lane.

spandi 05-04-2013 06:24 PM

Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to disagree. That motorcycle or scooter has a legal right to be there. He was to the left to avoid the center-of-the-lane "Grease trail" Do you think if a cop saw a taxi PASS another motor vehicle in the SAME LANE he would not have been pulled over and ticketed? (or worse?)

amac1680 05-04-2013 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 520397)
Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to disagree. That motorcycle or scooter has a legal right to be there. He was to the left to avoid the center-of-the-lane "Grease trail" Do you think if a cop saw a taxi PASS another motor vehicle in the SAME LANE he would not have been pulled over and ticketed? (or worse?)

I respectfully disagree.

Failure to keep right except to pass, he was not passing so he did not belong there.
He was in the left lane being passed on the right by a pickup towing a trailer. He had the room in front of him to pass but chose to pick a fight.

Then instead of backing off of a situation he created he decided to put ALL OTHERS on the road at risk.

Be Big,

spandi 05-05-2013 04:34 AM

Look again. He was in an HOV lane and apparently during rush hour.

amac1680 05-05-2013 12:20 PM

Yes sir I saw the HOV but can't via that video determine it's rush hour or not. Doesn't matter there are plenty of 24 hour HOVs in the northeast.

That being said I stand with the guys a fool. Where do I start.....
Ahh yes the video with commentary. That in and of it self is distracted driving. I'd bet he went out looking to make the video, sad.

He had plenty of oppertunity to avoid a bad situation but chose to create a problem. He made a choice to endanger all others in order to keep the taxi behind him.
His skills must be poor if he was unable to avoid the taxi wi all that road ahead.

I'll agree to disagree this guys behaviour is egregious at the least, just my .02

Enjoy the day my friend.

Be Big,

spandi 05-05-2013 01:37 PM

Although I did not care for his potty mouth commentary, the fact is that the taxi had no business (or legal right) to pass another vehicle within the SAME LANE (and doubly so in an HOV lane.) End of story.

prodigit 05-05-2013 08:42 PM

What is obvious is that the motorcyclist is going too slow. On those HOV lanes cars ride 80MPH, that bike sounds like ~400cc, so it should be able to go with the flow, however, in that particular case the motorcyclist is going TOO slow. Eventhough he's right that the taxi can not overtake him, he's a douchebag by continuing to ride slow; eventhough it is more than clear, that he can ride as fast as the others. He should have let the cab go, when it was riding besides him (during the illegal overtake), if he wanted to continue to ride slow!

Domindart 05-06-2013 01:46 AM


spandi 05-06-2013 03:02 AM

It appears that the motorcyclist slowed AFTER the taxi began riding his tail. (before that he was passing other vehicles.

larrball 05-06-2013 03:10 AM

It doesnt matter right or wrong.
I work at 3M and make what this guy's going to see some day.

Look's like another week of overtime.

spandi 05-06-2013 11:23 AM

I've heard of guys using a stethoscope to track down engine noises. :D

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