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frantic84 04-02-2013 03:27 AM

more problems
:ugh:>::s :shrug:so I'm starting to get really stressed here (Vegas) 300cc Mechanics are hard to come by and when you can find one boy do they charge!

so the pipe leading from my engine to my muffler cracked for the 2nd time (this was a brand new replacement part too), my carb is bleeding gasoline (most likely a stuck needle), and my cylinder base is leaking oil (need new gaskets), this is my get to work vehicle! 300cc icebear magnum 2011,

I got it used for $2000 and have put at least 150 into it so far and have a lot more to go!

any Ideas, can/should I part it out/sell it? who would buy it in this condition? what could i get for it? and if I do sell/part it out, what should I replace it with?

Guest_3 04-02-2013 10:08 PM

Welcome to ScootDawg. :)

I would fix it and then you'll know what you have after its repair right.

How many miles are on it ??.

frantic84 04-03-2013 12:08 PM

2,200 give or take a few, the hard part for me is I have bad hands so any real work I have to pay someone to do :shrug:

Guest_3 04-03-2013 07:13 PM

Here's what I do sometimes.

I get the neighborhood kid thats mechanically inclined and I tell him how/what I want done.

He likes doing it because he wants to learn, $20-30 bucks and a few soda's gets you a lot of work done. :nod:

And sometimes he stops by and ask me if I need any wrenching done.

frantic84 04-04-2013 03:40 AM

now to just find some trustworthy kids:cheers:

richardthescooter1 06-19-2013 10:48 AM

You need to find someone in your area that owns a scooter to help you, If you lived around me, I'd help.

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