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cheapeto 03-14-2015 07:22 AM

2015 first ride!!
It hit almost 60 F here yesterday, as I was going to off to do some work at a friends house, I started to jump in my truck and go, I had to go out to my pole building and get a tool.
As I grab the tool, I see my scooter sitting there waiting.....maybe I'll just check to see if she'll start.....oh yeah, fired right up!!
Checked the tires, oil, coolant, brake resy's, all topped off.
I go back in the house, and put on my Gator Skins, pulled my riding gear over my coveralls, put on my boots, and hit the rode.
Hell even the rode spray from the melt off felt good, riding over to go to work.
I had to go *the back way* for an extra 10 miles or so.
By the time I left the sun was hiding behind the clouds, the wind had a bit more bite to it, and with all the gravel and salt on the roads, you really had to be careful in the corners.
It was a great little ride to give winter the boot.
Come on June, I'll be riding down to 2015 CON in Greensville NC, ride with those folks for a couple of days, then ride back home.

rks 03-15-2015 09:49 AM

Good for you....Like so many of us, I'm sick of winter weather....having a hard time waiting for spring to get here. I did see a few Robins had arrived two days ago. Don't know what they'll find to eat....with our heavy snow pack, and the record cold this winter, it is going to be a while before any worms make an appearance. Also saw a Redwing Blackbird at the feeder yesterday, so I guess warmer weather is on it's way

Another month, and I may be able to pull the two wheelers out. That will be a happy day....and I'll probably be on here shouting "Yippy-Skippy"

Cubby1331 03-15-2015 02:18 PM

Lucky Im having problems with my scoot hopefully I can get it running this week.

bandito2 03-15-2015 03:11 PM

Gotta watch out for that saltwater spray. It can corrode electrical connections pretty quickly. (DAMHIK). You might want to rinse it off after splashing through the briney puddles.

It is supposed to get up to 66 here in SE Michigan tomorrow so it IS very tempting. But I just might make the 2 mile ride from the storage area with 1 or 2 of my scoots home to the garage. But for pleasure riding I think I'd rather first wait till it rains a couple times to rinse that caustic stuff away from the roads.

Cubby1331 I hope you get it running too. If you need a hand just send a PM and I'll come down if nothing more than to give moral support, a 2nd set of eyes to help see something you might have missed, another noggin to help think things through, a "here hold onto this" aide & tool fetcher.

rks 03-16-2015 05:36 AM

You got it right bandito2...the saltwater spray and effect on wire connections...waiting until after a couple of good rains....I am in total agreement with you

cheapeto 03-16-2015 07:39 AM

Between some rain, the day before my ride, and all the melt off, it was a bit early to get out, but that warm air, just called me, and I was off, like a damn dog with it's head hanging out the car window, giggling like the mad do.
Honestly, it was all the piles of cinders or what ever the wee stones that collect at corners and on the bends of the roads, that was very slippery. Made me realize I should wait a bit.
I'll wash my Bug Ugly scooter today sometime.

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