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ds1615 07-12-2015 02:38 PM

Muffler fell off, still have the pipe, what do?
So I was riding my scoot last night for a few hours, and when i turned around at a church the muffler just fell off!

Well I rode it home broke muffler and parked it, today I took it for a spin. I just read that no muffler will affect the engine and could cause things to get too hot. So I also noticed that it had a decreased 10-20 percent performance, and was no longer able to run my normal 40mph was lagging to 30mph.

Do I need to have it welded or any ideas? Don't have any money right now and no work currently until my boss gets a new contract.


kz1000st 07-12-2015 09:02 PM

Get it welded or replaced. Besides the loss of performance from no back pressure you also run the risk of warping your exhaust valve and blowing the engine.

ds1615 07-12-2015 10:20 PM

Got it welded, it turns over now, acts like it wants to start when i give it just a little bit of throttle. Any ideas?

skyrider 07-13-2015 10:44 AM

Just get original replacement entire muffler assembly, like $50. I put a performance muffler on and there are too many other changes to make with that, so I put stock replacement and engine purrs.

kz1000st 07-13-2015 11:26 AM

Are you saying it ran before and now it doesn't? Hopefully you didn't bend the valve already. I would spray starting fluid in the carburetor and see what happens.

ds1615 07-13-2015 12:31 PM

Ok it was flooded last night, I waited about 20 mins and it started up after a few kicks. Now...after making adjustments to the carb via the idle setting, I have it right where it runs but doesn't turn the clutch. Well after I take off, if I WOT it wants to bog down after the initial rev, once the clutch kicks in. Any ideas on that?

I checked my carb jet that's on top, with the round top, it has no adjustments for the snap-ring.

When I turn the key on and attempt to start it I typically smell gas, is that a problem or normal?

ds1615 07-13-2015 12:35 PM

Also, I was riding and a crazy guy on a bike was riding opposite to me, started pointing towards a driveway. Well I didn't stop cause he kinda looked crazy, then on my way back, which I just turned around at the end of the road, he was opposite lane again, threw his bike down[pedal bike], got in my way, and then acted like he was going to hit me with a piece of metal. o.O' So I came home pulled in and when I was turning towards the back I hit my front brakes a little too hard, ended up with a small wreck, no biggie, but I guess some gas leaked cause I could smell it strong when I picked it up. Then I just dropped the thing backing it up. LOL I need some support out here in the boonies!

kz1000st 07-13-2015 05:57 PM

If you're smelling gas the crab must be flooding. Probably your float needle is sticking open slightly. It might also explain the bogging.

ds1615 07-13-2015 09:26 PM

Another problem I recently realized as to my sudden lack of performance and bogging and everything! I put 87 octane which is the lowest grade here in NC not thinking anything about it. So, now the darn thing struggles to get past 25mph, but when it does it screams. So I will be taking my scoot and gas can to the local gas station tomorrow, and draining the gas into the can, whilst filling up with 93 octane.

Do I need to completely drain everything or will simply draining from right before the fuel filter be ok? It's the best way I can think to do it straight to my can. I think to myself as it does idle just fine, might need a couple revs on a cold start as I just brought it in the car port due to T-Storm incoming. I hope I'm on the right track with an OK system because a lot of this has been trial and error and a huge learning experience for me.

Also, my neighbor bought the same moped I have, same engine etc. But it's a little different, nothing major. We pulled his spark plug to put in mine since his doesn't run, and the darn thing looked like it had been knocked! Needless to say, I couldn't use it. So it appears he's having block trouble.

If it won't start but gets spark what kind of head/cylinder/camshaft problems could come from it?? Doesn't look like it's been wrecked at all.

ballerr777 08-07-2015 01:12 AM

My first post on here. I don't know if this is where to ask but my muffler has a small crack and I'm wondering if it's ok to ride still. I have class starting Monday and it's my only way there

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