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amac1680 03-21-2013 09:47 PM

Perception or deception ?
After being away from home for a week it was time to run the scoots. First thing I did was to fire up the trike. I took her down to get gas and on the way I received the usual reactions.

Motorcyclist waved, people on the streets looked and gave me a thumbs up. While getting gas I also got the usual group of people to come take a look at the bike. They walk around it said they've never seen one of them before. Most had no idea that was an imitation.

It would even take a few minutes for hard-core biker types to figure it out. When they did they want to know the story. I tell him what it is, it is a Scooter. 250cc "twist and go" !

Anyway I guess my point is people look at it and immediately see a cam-am and even after they know it's a scooter still think its cool.

Next up was taking the Kymco People s200 out. I took the same route up to the same gas station ,this time though motorcyclist pay no attention and I'm mostly just part of the scenery to the people I pass.

At the gas station and old couple comes over and tells me it's a cute looking scooter! Lol

So in the end deception is a good part of perception. Even though the Kymco is far and away a faster machine people still assume trike is the rocket.

So it comes down to this, when I'm riding the trike I'm as cool
as they come and when I'm riding the Kymco I'm just another old dude on a scooter!

and so it goes.

Be Big,

Admin 03-21-2013 11:22 PM

Yea I think trikes, especially reverse ones, are just something 'new' to most, and diffrent, so they find it interesting and cool. Scooters are nothing new, so they don't turn the heads as much :shrug2:

MEAN_MOTOFINO 03-22-2013 12:24 AM

Thats funny. Its kinda like my scooter. I seem to catch more attention on it than I do on my motorcycle.

Trikes are rarer around here tho. I know if I seen one that I would probably go over and check it out.

amac1680 03-22-2013 07:15 AM

But you would think just having ME on one should be enough to draw

Be Big,

spandi 03-22-2013 11:26 AM

For the greatest example of this just look at the history of Hollywood. :hmm: :shrug: :no:

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