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Jaybird09 03-16-2013 03:05 PM

Rokea scoot GY6 150cc wont start
SO I am about sick of this scooter and ready to take the biggest hammer I have to it and beat the crap out of it. I was ridding one day and has I was slowly going down the drive way, when I reached the end I gunned it to take off and it died and has NEVER started since. I did some research on the web and found it is something to do with not getting spark. So I take the plug out test it for spark and it was getting little to no spark at all (and now it gets no spark) I have taken off the coil and wire and took it to a scoot shop, he told me the wire and coil look good but hooked me up with a CDI. I get home excited to get this working and with the CDI plugged in I still see NO SPARK. I have no idea what to do and when it comes to wires and electrical issues I am lost and confused as can be. My scooter is a 2009 Roketa siccly with a 150 GY6 engine. Any help or advice would be great as I am seriously ready to destroy this scoot and trash it. I have been trying to fix this for way to long and I am not going to pay someone a lot of money to tinker with it when I could possibly do it my self, with some help of y'all or course.. I do not have a volt meter or anything like that... I have read some things about the kill switch an stator etc etc etc. But I dont know how to check those or bypass them to see what is wrong or what to replace. >:

99owned 03-16-2013 08:13 PM

is the plug fouled? Get a new plug, see if the spark gets any stronger. Then make sure your grounds are tight. Should be located near the battery. These motors emit alot of vibration, Loosening bolts without warning. Had the same issue on a 50cc roketa, It was just a loose ground next to the battery.

teddy554 03-16-2013 08:32 PM

Your stator is probably shot, but have you check all you connection and made sure everything on you coil is nice and tight

Jaybird09 03-17-2013 03:16 PM

New plug already. New CDI as well. I have checked all connections and they are right. I checked the ground and fuses and all is well there. Someone told me it could be the stator. How would I test and or replace that? They said it was "inside the engine"

edfr 03-18-2013 11:10 AM

Are you sure you did not hit the KILLSWITCH by accident? It is the RED BUTTON on top on your right hand grip. That has to be on the RUN position otherwise you will not get a SPARK.

Jaybird09 03-21-2013 02:59 PM

Yeah lol, I have checked the kill switch. Someone told me that maybe the wire inthe kill swtich has gone bad. But I am leaning more towards the stator now. How would I fix that?

99owned 03-21-2013 06:30 PM

Take off the cooling shroud and then on the right side where the fan is located, take the fan off and then you will need a fly wheel puller or something to hold the fly wheel in place to loosen the nut, the stator is behind that nut. I don't know how to test it, but you can see if it's damaged in any way for sure. Make sure the magnet is lined up as well, there is a magnet that gets signal from the magnet on the fly wheel, make sure that it is lined up, You could have hit a bump and it got knocked around or something.

scootnwinn 03-21-2013 06:56 PM

You need to buy or borrow a multimeter, any chance you have of figuring it out without one is fairly remote. You need to see if the cdi and coil have power. There is some chance you replaced a bad cdi with a bad cdi... Without a meter you may as well put sticky notes on the wall with each component in the electrical system written on them and blind fold yourself while throwing darts over your shoulder at them and start replacing the parts the dart hits... Multimeters are less than 20 bucks if it saves you replacing one wrong part it paid for itself

MEAN_MOTOFINO 03-21-2013 08:16 PM

To take the kill switch out of the equation you need to remove one wire. It will be the Black/White(not yellow) wire at the cdi. Push/pull that pin out and try starting it.

antchainscoot 03-22-2013 01:20 PM

These Roketa 150cc scooters drain a battery faster than a HD camera. I have one and I always have to keep it on a trickle charger (at least in the winter). It will start but the battery needs to be top charged ,otherwise it won't turn over. Better yet, just buy a new battery every year. On the other hand, the 50cc Peace Scooter I have starts every time in cold weather.

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