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Theman 03-14-2013 05:33 AM

Can old people ride?
Hi there! I'm in discussions with my other half about us getting a couple of scooters and getting rid of the car, but she thinks she's too old at 65 to start riding a scooter. What do you think? :scoot:

Guest_2 03-14-2013 09:03 AM

You are never too old to ride!

I met an 85 year old man this past summer riding a new Harley Trike. The first bike he has ever owned. He joked that he had to ride with young people, like his son who is 63.

I have customers over 60 that have bought 50cc scooters, both male and female, for the pure enjoyment of something different to do.

I am and will ride until I can't get on one.

oldkid 03-14-2013 09:35 AM

I'm 69 and last fall took my Yamaha Majesty on a couple of trips on the Tail of the Dragon again. If I can't ride I don't know it, but some of the stuff I used to do does seem unwise to me now. However, keep the car also. You will be glad you did, and take a Motorcycle Safety Course if you have'nt already.

Theman 03-14-2013 11:00 AM

We're still in the planning stage as I used to love riding my Honda in my youth, but my wife has never ridden a scooter at all. In fact, she never took her car driving test! I'm showing her your replies and hopefully, she will be willing to give it a go.:thanks:

jct842 03-14-2013 11:34 AM

I am 70 and got my first scooter in 1958 and been riding ever since. For those short on math skills that's 55 years of continuous riding. Noticing the temp this morning I will be firing up one of them to go to eat at the senior center in 30 min. john

scootnwinn 03-14-2013 11:47 AM

I used to ride with a guy in his 70's back when I was around 23 or so. That dude was seriously rapid. I enjoyed trying to lose or catch him in the mountain twisties...

inuyasha 03-14-2013 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Theman (Post 518642)
Hi there! I'm in discussions with my other half about us getting a couple of scooters and getting rid of the car, but she thinks she's too old at 65 to start riding a scooter. What do you think? :scoot:

Welcome aboard
Pleased to meet you
Sure why not, let her read this article
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

prodigit 03-14-2013 12:19 PM

Never too old to ride, however, scooters requires extra attentiveness in traffic.
We have a lot of older people riding on scoots in Hialeah. They buy the pre-2008 models, that people want to get rid of, for a few hundred bucks, due to low performance, and they're happy with that.
You could also think of a moped.

richardthescooter1 03-14-2013 02:55 PM

Never too old to ride, I just turned 60 and love to ride, Hey you only live once, don't look back and wishing you would have rode.

Theman 03-14-2013 03:10 PM

Hey, I love the article about the mod granny! Those old photos take me back. I had a Vespa too when I was riding, only I was a rocker in those days, and liked scooters better than I liked motorcycles!

richardthescooter1 03-14-2013 04:00 PM

Oh, btw welcome to the forum.

amac1680 03-14-2013 06:44 PM

I just moved into an over 55 community and it's scooter city. High end scoots to boot !

I'm the youngest dude here by three decades and these folks love their bikes. Of course when you do the math so many were "of the age" in the mid to late 1960s. Some old habits never die.

Be Big,

mrmike 03-14-2013 07:33 PM

I'm 68 years old. I sold my 643lb Harley last year because of the weight. Now I ride a 350lb GTI300. A three wheeler or a smaller scooter should be no problem. Make sure you try it before you buy it so you can ride it comfortably.

justdon 03-14-2013 10:22 PM

Iam 63 and i ride a suzuki intruder 1500 a yamaha fj1200 and my fun machine linhai 300 scooter..And i truly feel you are never too old to ride..My two wheeled vehicles provide all my fun in life..

issue31 03-15-2013 09:06 AM

I am 76
I am 76,and have been riding for about 5 years! I can only ride about 7 or 8 months a tear here in SE Minn. but i love it Buddy 170! issue 31 John

hardd1 03-15-2013 10:34 AM

we sell lotsa scooters to 65+ crowd....they need 'em to commute to work...the greatest generation cannot afford to retire due to dismal economy

spandi 03-15-2013 01:55 PM

NO! MOST DEFINITELY NOT!!! No one over the age of 25 should be on a scooter. :lmao: :hehe: :D :taunt:

(Fortunately, like Jack Benny I've been 23 for the last few decades.)

scootnwinn 03-15-2013 02:28 PM

I think the real question is "Should we let them??" ;)

Don't be mad I'm just kidding

4getful2 03-16-2013 04:10 PM

A " ZUMA" comes to mind. Take her with you to the local yamaha dealer and have sit on one of those. Taller more rubbery tires(easier to keep upright), good fuel economy,

danno711 03-16-2013 05:46 PM

Just take it slow....don't try to do more than your ability.

inuyasha 03-16-2013 06:14 PM

I almost forgot you both should take an MSF full course
And also their scooter course if possible
Keep some money in your budget set aside for quality riding gear
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

savy09 03-17-2013 01:16 PM

I'm 76 going on 77 in April,(39 mentally) been riding scooters for 4 yrs. My first was a Znen 50cc Motorino, loved it 'till I decided on a Vogue/AutoMoto 150cc trike scooter with an enclosure, wipers, and it TILTS! Love the ride...will keep riding until I can't.
Take a safety course or join a scooter club and learn to ride with a group... there's safety in numbers!

happyoldscoot 03-17-2013 05:57 PM

I'm 76 now, and started riding scooters three years ago (after a 30 year layoff from motorcycles). I'm on my third scooter, rolled over 22,750 miles, and commute to work every day (of course, not on weekends) A scooter is great. More fun than cycles, and especially nice for my old bones that would rather step through because I'm too lazy to throw a leg over the top.
Go for it - You have years of enjoyment ahead of you.

jct842 03-17-2013 07:22 PM

step through
See I am not the only old guy who likes a step through. Love the chinese 150 and cuss the majesty just about every time I ride it when I scuff the HUMP when getting on or off. On a real scooter you should be able to set a case of coke across the floor boards for a ride home from the grocery store. john

prodigit 03-17-2013 08:19 PM

And more than that, John.

I quite often get 1/2 a shopping cart in my scoot, or a good 60-75LBS on food. Floorboard for a bag of rice, a gallon of milk, 2 or 3 x 1/2 gallons of juice or lemonade, under the seat 2 or 3 shopping bags, and in the rear trunk some frozen food boxes.

happyoldscoot 03-19-2013 03:17 PM

Cuss the Majesty
Understand about the hump, so I have to admit, I can't quite "step-through" on my 2009 Majesty; but being old and slow, I miss the hump most of the time. But we have to have SOMETHING to gripe about - after all, after seven decades, we've earned the right!

SeniorCit 03-19-2013 09:18 PM

Next month I will be 87. In addition to enjoying riding my new 2013 SYM RV200, I also flying giant RC airplanes, am active in woodworking, work out three times a week and have just started learning ballroom dancing. Age is relative - relative as to what you can do and what you really want to do. I feel very fortunate and very blessed.

Oldnewb 03-24-2013 02:06 PM

Too old?
I'm 64 and I just bought my first scooter a few days ago. The interesting part? The man I bought it from is 82. His kids said it was "time", he said it was "time", but he did't really seem excited to see it go. I told him he can visit me and ride his old scoot whenever he wants to. :) Dave

stush101 03-25-2013 09:21 AM

Had motorcycles for years and bought a Linhai 260 last year from a guy who was 70. Sold the motorcycle and enjoy riding the scooter alot more and having fun riding. I am 65 will be 66 in two weeks.

richardthescooter1 03-25-2013 03:37 PM

Hey, I'm 60 and not too far from you.

chindog 03-25-2013 06:38 PM

And I thought I was one of the oldest here because I'm almost 60.

richardthescooter1 03-25-2013 08:13 PM

Glad to have you aboard

prodigit 03-25-2013 08:30 PM

I'm 33, and think I'm about to die (usually from boredom when there's nothing to do)!

I hope I can enjoy my coming 33 years scootering too!
Probably buy a 2 stroke bicycle engine next.

richardthescooter1 03-25-2013 08:51 PM

Go for it!

savy09 03-25-2013 09:44 PM

see post on page 2.

tinstar 03-31-2013 05:32 AM

I'll be 60 in four months and I am loving my SYM RV-250! I had a Yamaha V-Star 1100, fully dressed out, but I gave it to my son as he needed a reliable vehicle and had no money for one. I had never thought much about scooters, thinking only of small ones like 50cc. I went to my local park one day for a walk and saw all these maxi-scooters parked in a row at one of the information stations. I think that I had seen maxi-scooters before but mistook them for some type of crotch rocket! I wasn't even aware that large scooters existed! After looking at them and seeing what fun the folks were having, I started looking. After reading up and researching, I found my SYM on Craigs list, approximately 50 miles away at a killer price...and the bike only had 2500 miles on it! It was owned by a lady who was learning to ride on it and had only ridden it around her subdivision. Her husband wanted her to ride with him on trips, but to have her own bike, so he got her a Yamaha V-Star 650 and there was no more need for the scooter. I went and picked it up and never looked back! Riding this thing is as much fun as when I was young and had a Sears and Roebuck mini-bike! No more throwing the leg over, no clutch and shifting of gears, nice and light, easy to hold up and manuver, plenty of get up and go, very easy on gas, quiet...did I say fun, fun fun!? I love it. No more motorcycle for, I'm strictly a maxi-scooter man! I intend to ride until I can't ride. The biggest thing is for her to take the motorcycle safe riding course. Even though I had ridden for years, it had been years since I had ridden when I got back on my bike. I decided to take the course to get a break on my insurance, but did I learn a lot! I am very glad that I took the course. Good luck and enjoy!

Irish 03-12-2015 12:34 PM

My father told me yrs. ago that once riding gets into your blood that even when you're 90 , you will still want to ride. He was right! I sold or threw out all of my cycle gear before I moved to Fla. I was going crazy. I'm 71 & I bought a new (to me) bike & now feel normal. Irish
P.S. I just wish that I had my yrs. of cycle gear!

kz1000st 03-12-2015 01:37 PM

I'm a mere child at 63 by comparison but my 88 year old Father still rides his ZR-750 Kawasaki every chance he gets. It's even a little embarrassing that he has a 750cc to my 250cc but I still have time to catch up.

Bob Shaw 03-25-2015 11:45 PM

I'm 71, been riding for about 4 years, and I just bought a Yamaha Majesty 400 for winter riding in Florida, and have a Honda Reflex NSS250 I ride in the summer in Georgia. My wife calls them "death traps". I can't wait to do some longer rides on my Majesty.

novaraptor 03-27-2015 11:47 AM

Hmm, has anyone done a poll to see what the average age of our group here is? Bet it will be surprising.

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