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beo111 01-28-2013 05:42 PM

Scoot won't start
Hello Dawgs. I haven't had a problem in a long time but I'm having one now! I was riding my Roketa 150cc scoot through the beginning of December here in Wisconsin. It started to get too cold for me to ride so I put the scoot in the garage. It's now at the end of January and the weather is a little better (40 degrees in the garage), so i tried to start the scoot last week and it wouldn't do anything. It won't even turn over, but there's just a single click sound when I press the start button. I made sure the battery was charged and it still just makes the click sound which is coming from the started solenoid? I assume this indicates that the solenoid is good? I try to kick start it but it doesn't do anything either. Not sure what this could be, being that I was riding it just last month. Usually when the scoot doesn't start after not driving it for a while it's always the pilot jet being clogged. But it would still turn over. This one really has me puzzled. Any suggestions?

richardthescooter1 01-28-2013 06:06 PM

If you bridge the two big nuts on the starter solenoid and it starts, then its a bad solenoid, if you bridge or jump the two nuts and doesn't start it could be a weak battery or bad starter.

teddy554 01-28-2013 06:28 PM

yeah would say its a bad battery but do the test the richardthescooter1 said to make sure then you can know for sure

beo111 01-28-2013 06:47 PM

Thanks for the suggestion. I went to the garage and tried it but nothing has changed. I assume that the two terminals on the solenoid are positive right? Not one positive and one negative?

beo111 01-28-2013 06:52 PM

If I kick start the bike (even if the starter was bad) it should still start right?

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 06:56 PM

Right use a heavy gauge wire to touch them both at the same time if nothing happens your battery may be bad. You can also try jumping it with your cage (ENGINE OFF) if that works its the battery. Try that and report

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 06:57 PM

Yes kick should work matter what try jumping it, might be easier

beo111 01-28-2013 07:01 PM

I did jump it with a heavy gauge wire, even took one of the wires off the terminal and put it on the other terminal. It just makes that single click sound when I hit the start button. I have digital volt meter on the bike and a multimeter and I'm getting the full 12+ volts. I checked the fuse near the battery and it's good also.

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 07:03 PM

12 volts might be a bit low a good battery without a draw should read. 12.6 or so. Try jumping it with a car like I said

beo111 01-28-2013 07:04 PM

Tried jumping the battery with my 12 volt charger pack (which I use for dead batteries on cars) also but it didn't do anything.

beo111 01-28-2013 07:04 PM

Ok, I will try it with the car (engine off).

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 07:08 PM

Also try touching starter side of the selonoid with positive jumper while the other side is grounded

beo111 01-28-2013 07:25 PM

Ok, just came back from the garage and tried jumping it with my car and still nothing. I just saw your last message and will go back down to jump it from the starter side.

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 07:27 PM

Kicking is next you may have a bad starter. It may just be stuck from disuse.

beo111 01-28-2013 07:46 PM

Ok, back from the garage again and tried jumping from the starter side. Nothing happened once again. I tried kick starting it also and nothing. The dash lights up a little every time I try to kick start and the brake lights and blinkers work also. Yes it can be the starter, but doesn't explain the kick start. Sometimes I would use the kick start when I was still riding it just to make sure it still worked. I'm really puzzled by this one!

beo111 01-28-2013 07:52 PM

Could it be a bad CDI since it won't even turn over? I can't check for spark if it won't even turn over right? I have an Iridium plug in there which I put in about 2 years ago.

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 07:53 PM

It may not have any fuel in the bowl now it may take a lot of kicking. Check to see if voltage is getying to the starter check your spark while you're at we'll pray you find it. You checked all the fuses right?

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 07:54 PM

You will need a helper to check for spark

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 07:55 PM

Bad vdi wouldn't keep it from turning over

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 08:06 PM

Did you check if there was fuel in the float bowl

Lefty 01-28-2013 08:09 PM

Well I think your battery is toast doesn't matter if when standing still it reads 12V. As soon as you put a load on it if it is bad the Voltage will drop like a rock. So if you have a Volt Meter connect it to the battery and hit the start button and see the reading I bet it reads very low.

Also for the KICK START do you have the KILLSWITCH ON THE RUN position and the Sidestand up(just in case it has a killswitch as well).

Sitting that long without starting there probably isn't much gas in the Carb Bowl since it is a 150 you most likely have a 24mm Carb and it has a VENT TUBE bent down on the LEFT side of the CARB you can twist the hose up and pour at least 1 0z of fuel into it.

When you squeeze the brakes do the STOP LIGHTS COME ON?
Ususally if you push the start button and you hear clicking either the battery is weak or bad or the solenoid is bad. You can also try giving the Solenoid a whack as your pushing the start button sometimes the contact inside gets stuck and giving it a whack might free it.

beo111 01-28-2013 08:13 PM

No I haven't checked to see if there is fuel in the bowl. I can't see the fuel evaporating in a months time, but anything is possible I guess. I will have to check to see if there is voltage getting to the starter another time. It's late now so I'll come back to this another time. I will let you know what happens. Thanks!

beo111 01-28-2013 08:18 PM

Hey Lefty, yes when I hit the start button the voltage does drop down to about 9 or 10 volts. But I had jumper cables on it from my car so it should've started I would think. And yes the brake lights do come on when I squeeze the brakes. I tried giving the solenoid a whack when I was attempting to start but that didn't make a difference. Even if there wasn't any fuel in the bowl it should still turn over.

Lefty 01-28-2013 08:37 PM

OK, then lets check your starter with your car battery. Take the postive and connect it to the wire on the starter then touch the negative to ground and see if it spins the starter. Starter could be toast or stuck. Also give that sucker a whack(HEHE). Something is drawing a lot of juice and it just may be the starter.

Moister in the winter can cause so many gremlins on these chinese scoots.

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515161)
Also try touching starter side of the selonoid with positive jumper while the other side is grounded

He tried that lefty...

Did you see the first page?

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 08:44 PM

We'll be here when you're ready beo

Lefty 01-28-2013 08:51 PM

That was going from the Solenoid to the starter I want positive prove hook the pos from the car to the post on the starter then ground the neg. If It does not spin it BAD STARTER OR BAD CAR BATTERY, also I don't think he gave it a WHACK(HAHA).

Lefty 01-28-2013 08:56 PM

Richard he said his Brake lights come on and he hears clicking from the Solenoid so juice is getting to the Solenoid. But this last test hooking the pos to the pos post on the starter and grounding the other to the motor should tell if the starter is the problem.

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 08:58 PM

Brake lights worked switch should have been ok

Lefty that would make certain I suppose I am a believer in whacking the starter but it has to be done right and some are either too timid or too bold. You make a good point. I concede

Lefty 01-28-2013 09:07 PM

Just because the brake lights work does not mean squat, if you hear clicking USUSALLY it is a bad SOLENOID not the other way around or it could be stuck or a bad battery.
Also even if the BRAKE LIGHTS come on does not mean the SOLENOID is getting juice, the WIRE from the BRAKE splits One line goes to the SOLENOID and one goes to the STOPLIGHTS. Just so you know in the future have to teach you young guys cause I am getting old(HAHA).

beo111 01-28-2013 09:13 PM

I did give it a whack Lefty!! I'm a Maintenance Mechanic so I know that contacts do get stuck in various types of equipment I work on. I work in a hospital and this happens with the ice/water machines where the contactor on the control board gets stuck and I just give it a little whack and it starts working.

Here is another thing, at least 1 out of 10 times I try to electric start the scoot I hear a whirring noise coming from down near the motor, like it's trying to move. Might be the starter making that noise. Most of the time it just makes the click sound from the solenoid.

Lefty 01-28-2013 09:21 PM

Yea then I think its your starter Beo, but to prove positive HOOK the pos from you car connect it to the STARTER POST and touch the NEG TO THE MOTOR. That will prove one way or the other if its your starter. IT SHOULD SPIN if it is good or was stuck with good direct current going to it. If it just whines then it is TOAST.

beo111 01-28-2013 09:24 PM

Ok Lefty, I will try that tomorrow. If it is my starter, hopefully it's not too involved to change out.

Lefty 01-28-2013 09:26 PM

It is very easy to change it out, just take the wire off the post and take two screws out and UP and out.

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 09:33 PM

You can teach humbly its more effective.

If the brake lights come on the brake switch is good that's all I said didn't say anything about the selonoid there. Read it again.

I will treat you with respect, I deserve the same. Your obnoxious boasting isn't helping anything. You know your stuff obviously but your reading comprehension and social skills could use a little work. No disrespect intended just a humble opinion take it or leave it. I will not argue with you anymore do try to be more respectful I may be younger than you but that doesn't give you a license to treat me like a punk.
We are all trying to help you seem to enjoy a little insulting with yours you should think about that. Have a nice evening Lefty

scootercapecod 01-28-2013 09:55 PM

One thing people should remember is that reading something online doesn't have inflection and what can be seen as insulting may not be meant as such. I have however seen some condescending remarks from time to time BUT overall I think most people are respectful and it should stay that way. We are here to offer advice some of which is suspect at times or just a misdiagnosis. Others truly do know what they are talking about and I definitely use advice from experience or advice I know works. Can't we all just get along??

scootnwinn 01-28-2013 10:01 PM

I really wish we could just get along

Lefty 01-29-2013 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 515198)
You can teach humbly its more effective.

If the brake lights come on the brake switch is good that's all I said didn't say anything about the selonoid there. Read it again.

I will treat you with respect, I deserve the same. Your obnoxious boasting isn't helping anything. You know your stuff obviously but your reading comprehension and social skills could use a little work. No disrespect intended just a humble opinion take it or leave it. I will not argue with you anymore do try to be more respectful I may be younger than you but that doesn't give you a license to treat me like a punk.
We are all trying to help you seem to enjoy a little insulting with yours you should think about that. Have a nice evening Lefty

No arguement here, but it was and is obvious you did not know how the system works so I explained it to you. But instead of taking it as a learning curve you like many others cannot take being told anything or god forbid corrected. Now you could of responded OH SHIT I DIDN'T know that or something to that effect, but Instead you showed your true self to everyone and your immaturity.
Those who do not know, do not know that they do not know

scootnwinn 01-29-2013 07:43 AM

Whatever dude I'm glad everyone else can read. I bumbled about these things for a living at one point I understand the simple brake lockout starter circuit. Good luck to you none of this helps th OP does it Lefty?

richardthescooter1 01-29-2013 10:02 AM

beo111, Let us know what it is, that is very important info to pass on.

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