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rockynv 01-24-2013 10:52 PM

Any Coffee Drinkers (II)
After Danno shared his joy on the discovery of French Press Coffee and others began to share their passion for the topic I shared my life with Coffee which started around age 3 according to 8mm silent home movies (that was before VCR's and Digital Video). If coffee stunts your growth then it was probably a good thing in my case as Brooks Brothers has turned me down for fittings when they see my numbers 6' tall, 48/50 long jacket, 38" sleeves, 36" waist with a 31" inseam. Obviously my parents fault since they let me drink coffee as a toddler...

I drink a Mayorgan 100% wind processed organic dark roast ground fresh with the large Cuisinart burr grinder and brewed in one of several ways. Automatic drip using the strong setting, 18 Bar Espresso machine, stainless steel stove top perculator, Melitta single cup drip cone or any one of 4 different stainless steel Italian stove top Espresso pots.

For a heart healthy diet I use a paper filter in the drip makers and perculators to limit the hard oils that get extracted using only brown paper filters and save the Espresso for special occasions.

Once every month or so I fine grind a cup of cheap organic rice in the grinder to clean out the burs and grinding chambers. Will make a chocolate mocha pudding with the rice after the cleaning.

When I am in the mood I will custom roast my coffee on cookie sheets in the oven for an Ahuey Arabi.

Don't drink chemically processed mountain dirt coffee myself. Trying to get a bit closer to nature there.

Read more:

Who else loves coffee?

scootnwinn 01-24-2013 11:34 PM

I got hooked when I started working at the Violin shop. We had the best coffee money could buy and an espresso machine so we could offer our customers a tiny cup or have ourselves one when we felt like one. One day we noticed that it we were wasting very expensive coffee by reloading it for a shot and figured what the heck might as well just brew a whole mug of it to drink... well now when I make coffee no one can drink but me. My current boss figures we could pave with it. I do notice he has a cup anyway from time to time. I do drink it black as I quit drinking warm milk when I was 2.

danno711 01-25-2013 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by rockynv (Post 513973)
After Danno shared his joy on the discovery of French Press Coffee and others began to share their passion for the topic I shared my life with Coffee which started around age 3 according to 8mm silent home movies (that was before VCR's and Digital Video). If coffee stunts your growth then it was probably a good thing in my case as Brooks Brothers has turned me down for fittings when they see my numbers 6' tall, 48/50 long jacket, 38" sleeves, 36" waist with a 31" inseam. Obviously my parents fault since they let me drink coffee as a toddler...

I drink a Mayorgan 100% wind processed organic dark roast ground fresh with the large Cuisinart burr grinder and brewed in one of several ways. Automatic drip using the strong setting, 18 Bar Espresso machine, stainless steel stove top perculator, Melitta single cup drip cone or any one of 4 different stainless steel Italian stove top Espresso pots.

For a heart healthy diet I use a paper filter in the drip makers and perculators to limit the hard oils that get extracted using only brown paper filters and save the Espresso for special occasions.

Once every month or so I fine grind a cup of cheap organic rice in the grinder to clean out the burs and grinding chambers. Will make a chocolate mocha pudding with the rice after the cleaning.

When I am in the mood I will custom roast my coffee on cookie sheets in the oven for an Ahuey Arabi.

Don't drink chemically processed mountain dirt coffee myself. Trying to get a bit closer to nature there.

Read more:

Who else loves coffee?

Hey Rocky,

Thanks for restarting this thread.....well sort of anyway.....The original is lost somewhere in deep cyberspace.

I'm interested in this comment
"For a heart healthy diet I use a paper filter in the drip makers and perculators to limit the hard oils that get extracted using only brown paper filters and save the Espresso for special occasions."

Are you saying the oils are unhealthy? I thought they added to the taste.


qwertydude 01-25-2013 04:13 AM

I doubt coffee oils are contributing to people's ill health. Certainly that's like having a diet coke to go with your Big Mac and Fries. As in you're not really doing all that much to help.

Unsaturated plant based oils aren't really all that bad for you in moderate amounts. And in coffee the oils in a cup certainly are only the tiniest amount. I mean everyone pretty much agrees olive oil is pretty healthy. Just don't start deep frying in the stuff and try to fool yourself that a deep fried piece of chicken is any healthier because you fried it in olive oil.

Personally I don't mind getting the full flavor of coffee in my espresso, so no filter for me. Plus I can feel good that I'm not throwing away a paper filter every time I make a coffee. Believe me most of the rest of the world thinks America is weird for preferring watered down, over filtered, coffee. People claim to want full flavored coffee but scoff at the true fuller flavor offered by a strong method like espresso or French press.

What I find really funny is that a lot of people are really off put by having a little coffee sediment at the bottom of their cup, accepted as part of a normal coffee everywhere else, but have little qualms about consuming low quality and chemically treated coffee. As if that little chemically bleached paper filter is helping them out in those areas.

rockynv 01-25-2013 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by danno711 (Post 514003)
Hey Rocky,

Thanks for restarting this thread.....well sort of anyway.....The original is lost somewhere in deep cyberspace.

I'm interested in this comment
"For a heart healthy diet I use a paper filter in the drip makers and perculators to limit the hard oils that get extracted using only brown paper filters and save the Espresso for special occasions."

Are you saying the oils are unhealthy? I thought they added to the taste.


I am going by a lecture given by Dr. Isadore Rosenthal on health where he covered coffee. He mentioned that you could drink all the filtered coffee you wanted if you didn't have diabetes or a heart condition as there were antioxident properties in coffee that did promote good health and could help prevent many ailments including diabeties. However unfiltered coffee had many oils and acids that over time could build up cortisol levels in the blood stream leading to hardening of the cell membranes and resistance to insulin along with plaquing of the arteries. Don't remember all the details but that was the gist of it. There is a brief blurb out on Fox News with the short answer by him on the direct impact on the heart as regards caffine however that does not address the acids and oils that are covered in the complete ansewer.

On the various oils in coffee, the temperature at which they are released along with their impact on flavor my kid brother is the one to talk to. At culinary school he won an Award of Excellence from the National Restaraunt Association for his coffee brewing skills. His award for being able to bone out a whole chicken in less than 30 seconds would caution you not to startle him in a dark alley.

The other thread is not lost that is why I provided the "Read More" link to it in my first post.

cheapeto 01-25-2013 07:47 AM

I once reduced my coffee intake as the health issues that was promoted by silly writers that do not use science to base their opinions.
I only pay attention to articals that list their refferences, so I can back check facts and figures.
One of the best articals I ever read and fact checked.
Enjoy your coffee, it IS a health drink!!

We've had a french press for many years now, we have had expresso machines, heck we even vacationed in Jamacia to dring BlueMountain coffee once many years ago.
Just this year we bought a Kureig as the old pot died.
We both love the coffee from it. Every cup fresh and perfect, all in a few minutes of time.

danno711 01-25-2013 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by rockynv (Post 514008)
I am going by a lecture given by Dr. Isadore Rosenthal on health where he covered coffee. He mentioned that you could drink all the filtered coffee you wanted if you didn't have diabetes or a heart condition as there were antioxident properties in coffee that did promote good health and could help prevent many ailments including diabeties. However unfiltered coffee had many oils and acids that over time could build up cortisol levels in the blood stream leading to hardening of the cell membranes and resistance to insulin along with plaquing of the arteries. Don't remember all the details but that was the gist of it. There is a brief blurb out on Fox News with the short answer by him on the direct impact on the heart as regards caffine however that does not address the acids and oils that are covered in the complete ansewer.

On the various oils in coffee, the temperature at which they are released along with their impact on flavor my kid brother is the one to talk to. At culinary school he won an Award of Excellence from the National Restaraunt Association for his coffee brewing skills. His award for being able to bone out a whole chicken in less than 30 seconds would caution you not to startle him in a dark alley.

The other thread is not lost that is why I provided the "Read More" link to it in my first post.

What I meant was it was lost on its way over here. Most threads got transferred that one did not.

Regarding health issues. It's my personal belief that much of the illness in this country can be traced back to all the chemicals we now add to our food. I'm certainly no expert like Dr. Isadore Rosenthal. I'm certainly not capable of disputing is claims in any sort of intelligent way, but, if its natural, i'm ok with it.

My philosophy is if I'm putting foods or liquids in my body that has not been doused with chemicals...and it taste better....I'm ok with that. Personally, I think its all these chemicals that are added in the name of profit that are making lots of people sick

scootnwinn 01-25-2013 09:28 AM

Here is the original thread preserved with the senseless censor attempt perpetrated on snugglebunny by danno and all the other goodies.
I'll take it down if the OP here or more than 3 other people think I should

ScootDawg Scooter Forum :: ScootDawg's Scooter Forum a.k.a. The Dawg Pound :: General Discussion(NO SCOOTER TOPICS) :: Any coffee drinkers?

Author Topic: Any coffee drinkers? (Read 141 times)
Great Big Guru Dawg

Any coffee drinkers?
« Thread Started on Jan 23, 2013, 2:51pm »
I've recently discovered the world of French Press coffee.
I've become convinced there is no better way to enjoy coffee than fresh whole bean coffee prepared using a French Press. If you're a coffee drinker, and you have never experienced Fresh Press prepared coffee, you don't know what you're missing.

French Press coffee makers are relativity inexpensive...$20-$30 will get you one at Wal Mart or Target. Whole Bean coffee is more expensive and you'll need to have a good "burr grinder" because they produce larger coffee grounds which prevents seepage through the press filter and into the coffee.

There a couple of reasons why French Press is the superior way to brew coffee. Coffee is best brewed at temperatures between 190-200
degrees. With a drip coffee maker, the water takes time to get to that temperature. Many coffee makers don't even get to that temperature.Consequently, much of your coffee is being brewed at temperatures that are much lower than what's best. Warm water instead of hot water will produce bitter tasting coffee.

Second, the coffee grounds which are fresh and not weeks even months old, remain in direct contact with the brewing water. With a drip coffee maker, the grounds are separated from the water by a paper filter.

With the French Press method,the hot water is in constant contact with the coffee grounds. This captures more of the coffee's flavor and it's essential oils. With the drip brew method, the paper filter will trapped those oils and separate the grounds from the water.

Once you've tasted it, you'll never want a cup of coffee from a drip coffee maker again.

It noticeable has a smoother taste...there's no bitterness at all.

Great Big Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #1 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:00pm »
I love drinking coffee; I go through about a pot a day. Thanks for sharing, Danno! I'm definitely going to have to look into getting one of these. The concept is brilliant.

I use about a tablespoon of sugar with each cup and lots o' vanilla soy milk just to combat the bitterness. If this works you might've saved me from a future of diabetes! (which actually does run in my family.)

What is your favorite brand or flavor coffee bean? I've noticed there are all different kinds at the store.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #2 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:17pm »
been drinking folgers for about 25-30 years.
sometimes i put a 1/2 tsp of nestle quick in.
wont even think about any other coffee

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #3 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:18pm »
I run on coffee

No_I_Havent_Had_my_coffee_yet by inuyasha50, on Flickr
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #4 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:20pm »
I like espresso myself. It requires more specialized equipment like a special grinder but I use a Hario Ceramic hand grinder that I modified with a ball bearing support. It took me a lot of experimenting to figure out what works best for me using two different brewing methods, Moka Pot and steam powered espresso makers, similar but the steam espresso maker has better temperature control. But the way it really works is there's a difference between bitterness and acidity that many people don't understand in coffee.

People seem to be afraid of darker roasts claiming they're more bitter but darker roasts aren't any more bitter than lighter roasts when brewed properly. But one thing is lighter roasts will always be more acidic, they also happen to have the most complex flavor so trying to balance the acidity with the flavor makes for a difficult french press extraction of lighter roasts. Try using the french press with different roast level coffee to see how it affects it.

Now one thing is temperature and extraction time greatly affects coffee quality. Espresso has the advantage of using a constant temperature and forcing the water through finely ground coffee at high pressure. This allows maximum flavor extraction and the controlled temperature and quick 20-30 second extraction prevents many of the bitterest compounds from being extracted as they tend to come out after the coffee extraction time of 20-30 seconds for espresso. A moka pot on the other hand extracts for a much longer time so you get more bitter espresso. And then if you want to get regular strength coffee you just mix in espresso with hot water to make an Americano, and when you do that you get full flavor coffee with the same caffeine content but much less bitter and the dark roast minimizes acidity. That's the beauty of properly made espresso. It's flexible.

I've found my favorite combination is using my Mr. Coffee ECM-160 steam powered espresso maker with finely fresh ground on the spot Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf French Roast Coffee beans. It's available at Costco in bulk amounts very inexpensively. You still need a tamper and grinder though to complete the full espresso production process. But doing so I definitely can enjoy capuccinos of much higher quality than available in Starbucks.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #5 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:47pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:00pm, Lykos wrote:
I use about a tablespoon of sugar with each cup and lots o' vanilla soy milk just to combat the bitterness. If this works you might've saved me from a future of diabetes! (which actually does run in my family.)

That's what most people do is hide the bitterness with sugar/milk/cream etc...That's not really what drinking coffee should be about

What is your favorite brand or flavor coffee bean? I've noticed there are all different kinds at the store.

This week I bought a small 1lb bag from Krogers (local store).
It's 100% Colombian..medium was $4.50

I'm really starting to spoil myself though. I found this website that sells fresh coffee beans from all around the world.
Take a look....Last week I ordered a 1lb bag from Columbia and one from Honduras....I haven't received it yet! Can't wait!
When that runs out, I'll order from another part of the world....pretty cool. The KOPI from Hawaii iS $125! lol.....don't think I'll be ordering from there any time soon! I can't imagine anyone spending $125 for a pound of coffee...but I want so bad to try it!

Great Big Guru Dawg

Posts: 797
Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #6 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:50pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:47pm, danno711 wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 3:00pm, Lykos wrote:
I use about a tablespoon of sugar with each cup and lots o' vanilla soy milk just to combat the bitterness. If this works you might've saved me from a future of diabetes! (which actually does run in my family.)

That's what most people do is hide the bitterness with sugar/milk/cream etc...That's not really what drinking coffee should be about

What is your favorite brand or flavor coffee bean? I've noticed there are all different kinds at the store.

This week I bought a small 1lb bag from Krogers (local store).
It's 100% Colombian..medium was $4.50

I'm really starting to spoil myself though. I found this website that sells fresh coffee beans from all around the world.
Take a look....Last week I ordered a 1lb bag from Columbia and one from Honduras....When that runs out, I'll order from another part of the world....pretty cool. The KOPI from Hawaii iS $125! lol.....don't think I'll be ordering from there any time soon! I can't imagine anyone spending $125 for a pound of coffee...but I want so bad to try it!

sorry to hijack but
how the F do you do that
where u have the words this website in blue and it goes to that site

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #7 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:52pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:50pm, snugglebunny wrote:
"sorry to hijack but
how the F do you do that
where u have the words this website in blue and it goes to that site"

I'll tell you if you take the vulgar fake word (F) out....

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #8 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:53pm »
I like a strong coffee , I griinding just before making in the press . I dont take any sweetner . I like to add about 1 to 2oz of flavored beans to the batch of beans just for a hint . Boil stir cover for 4 min stir once more press add skim milk .
DONE !!!!!


Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #9 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:56pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:50pm, snugglebunny wrote:
sorry to hijack but
how the F do you do that
where u have the words this website in blue and it goes to that site

Jan 23, 2013, 3:52pm, danno711 wrote:
I'll tell you if you take the vulgar fake word (F) out....

sorry NO ONE tells me how to talk
at least i dont spell the word out
i really think its one of my constitutional rights
id rather not do it then cow to anyone

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #10 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:57pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:53pm, tvnacman wrote:
I like a strong coffee , I griinding just before making in the press . I dont take any sweetner . I like to add about 1 to 2oz of flavored beans to the batch of beans just for a hint . Boil stir cover for 4 min stir once more press add skim milk .
DONE !!!!!


I was with ya until I read ....ADD the skim milk!

But really it's a matter of ones own taste....No one is right or wrong.

But, many have never tried French Press...They don't know what they're missing....Some may still like their store bought brand, after trying it. I know for me it was a big difference

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #11 on Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:52pm, danno711 wrote:

I'll tell you if you take the vulgar fake word (F) out....

Jan 23, 2013, 3:56pm, snugglebunny wrote:
sorry NO ONE tells me how to talk
at least i dont spell the word out
i really think its one of my constitutional rights
id rather not do it then cow to anyone

Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #12 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:02pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:56pm, snugglebunny wrote:

sorry NO ONE tells me how to talk
at least i dont spell the word out
i really think its one of my constitutional rights
id rather not do it then cow to anyone

Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm, danno711 wrote:
Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


see YOUR mind must be in the gutter
Freak is a vulgar word!!!!!!!!!!!
thats what i meant
but u ASS U MED

you were never in the service huh?

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #13 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:02pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:56pm, snugglebunny wrote:
sorry NO ONE tells me how to talk
at least i dont spell the word out
i really think its one of my constitutional rights
id rather not do it then cow to anyone

Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm, danno711 wrote:
Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


Hi Danno
Im with you
Im an old salt and can swear with the best of them but theres a time and a place for that and this isnt it
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #14 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:03pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 3:47pm, danno711 wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 3:00pm, Lykos wrote:
I use about a tablespoon of sugar with each cup and lots o' vanilla soy milk just to combat the bitterness. If this works you might've saved me from a future of diabetes! (which actually does run in my family.)

That's what most people do is hide the bitterness with sugar/milk/cream etc...That's not really what drinking coffee should be about

What is your favorite brand or flavor coffee bean? I've noticed there are all different kinds at the store.

This week I bought a small 1lb bag from Krogers (local store).
It's 100% Colombian..medium was $4.50

I'm really starting to spoil myself though. I found this website that sells fresh coffee beans from all around the world.
Take a look....Last week I ordered a 1lb bag from Columbia and one from Honduras....I haven't received it yet! Can't wait!
When that runs out, I'll order from another part of the world....pretty cool. The KOPI from Hawaii iS $125! lol.....don't think I'll be ordering from there any time soon! I can't imagine anyone spending $125 for a pound of coffee...but I want so bad to try it!

Kopi coffee is I believe specifically Kopi Luwak. That's the weird civet poop harvested coffee. It might be better to buy Coffee Primero Magic Cat if you want to experience what the Kopi Luwak coffee imparts as to flavor without the somewhat dubious and animal unfriendly nature associated with traditional Kopi Luwak flavor.

Plus you might not like it and would feel you wasted your money. Independent blind taste tests have judged the expensive Kopi Luwak coffee to be thinner with less body. So really I think hyper expensive cat poop coffee is just that all hype. But a lot of the hype can make people think that it has to be good because it costs so much. I always try to divorce myself from those kinds of influences and judge anything as independent from influence as possible.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #15 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:07pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 4:02pm, inuyasha wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm, danno711 wrote:

Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


Hi Danno
Im with you
Im an old salt and can swear with the best of them but theres a time and a place for that and this isnt it
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

It's just so unnecessary....imo

Thanks Hank

Btw...Hank was my dad's name...It has a special meaning to me.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #16 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:10pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 4:03pm, qwertydude wrote:
Kopi coffee is I believe specifically Kopi Luwak. That's the weird civet poop harvested coffee. It might be better to buy Coffee Primero Magic Cat if you want to experience what the Kopi Luwak coffee imparts as to flavor without the somewhat dubious and animal unfriendly nature associated with traditional Kopi Luwak flavor.

Plus you might not like it and would feel you wasted your money. Independent blind taste tests have judged the expensive Kopi Luwak coffee to be thinner with less body. So really I think hyper expensive cat poop coffee is just that all hype. But a lot of the hype can make people think that it has to be good because it costs so much. I always try to divorce myself from those kinds of influences and judge anything as independent from influence as possible.

Thanks for the tip!

I can assure you, if I was ever dumb enough to spend $125 for a pound of would never have met my expectations...I'm sure I'd be disappointed I spent all that money

scootnwinn 01-25-2013 09:29 AM

Part 2

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #17 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:16pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 4:03pm, qwertydude wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 3:47pm, danno711 wrote:

That's what most people do is hide the bitterness with sugar/milk/cream etc...That's not really what drinking coffee should be about

This week I bought a small 1lb bag from Krogers (local store).
It's 100% Colombian..medium was $4.50

I'm really starting to spoil myself though. I found this website that sells fresh coffee beans from all around the world.
Take a look....Last week I ordered a 1lb bag from Columbia and one from Honduras....I haven't received it yet! Can't wait!
When that runs out, I'll order from another part of the world....pretty cool. The KOPI from Hawaii iS $125! lol.....don't think I'll be ordering from there any time soon! I can't imagine anyone spending $125 for a pound of coffee...but I want so bad to try it!

Kopi coffee is I believe specifically Kopi Luwak. That's the weird civet poop harvested coffee. It might be better to buy Coffee Primero Magic Cat if you want to experience what the Kopi Luwak coffee imparts as to flavor without the somewhat dubious and animal unfriendly nature associated with traditional Kopi Luwak flavor.

Plus you might not like it and would feel you wasted your money. Independent blind taste tests have judged the expensive Kopi Luwak coffee to be thinner with less body. So really I think hyper expensive cat poop coffee is just that all hype. But a lot of the hype can make people think that it has to be good because it costs so much. I always try to divorce myself from those kinds of influences and judge anything as independent from influence as possible.

Theres a new most expensive coffee out there
Elephant processed coffee
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #18 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:27pm »
"Trumpeted as earthy in flavor and smooth on the palate, the exotic new brew is made from beans eaten by Thai elephants and plucked a day later from their dung. A gut reaction inside the elephant creates what its founder calls the coffee's unique taste. "

You got to be kidding me! Who in the world tried this for the first time....and WHY?????????

Geez Louise...I assure you, if its THE MOST EXPENSIVE....they're are people buying it!

Not me.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #19 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:36pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 4:07pm, danno711 wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 4:02pm, inuyasha wrote:

Hi Danno
Im with you
Im an old salt and can swear with the best of them but theres a time and a place for that and this isnt it
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

It's just so unnecessary....imo

Thanks Hank

Btw...Hank was my dad's name...It has a special meaning to me.

Hi Danno
Your most welcome and thanks
It has a very special meaning to me as well as im the third, my dad and my gramps on that side of the family where both named Hank as well
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #20 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:42pm »
Until you have traveled down the road on your scoot with your heated coffee mug plugged in on your scoot, you're no real coffee drinker ? Here's a new phrase; two gloves, my java, one balaclava.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #21 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:47pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 4:42pm, wutzthedeal wrote:
Until you have traveled down the road on your scoot with your heated coffee mug plugged in on your scoot, you're no real coffee drinker ? Here's a new phrase; two gloves, my java, one balaclava.

Thats sounds dangerous my friend, i never do any thing while riding that takes my mind off of the road and the ride
Take care and ride safely der friend
Yours Hank

Great Big Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #22 on Jan 23, 2013, 4:58pm »
Not a coffee drinker, but I have a Bialetti moca that I use with Lavazza espresso (black can) to make the best durned latte one can make without a bona fide espresso machine (north of a grand for anything worthwhile - forget those cheap little gimmicky machines from Target and such places). I make it only for special ladies who enter my life on occasion. I use Lavazza instead of Illy because the latter is ground a tad too much and doesn't give good results in my moca, a Bialetti Venus.

I froth up the milk nice and snowy-like, but I don't bother with the cute little designs.


Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #23 on Jan 23, 2013, 5:18pm »
Thanks, Wutz! I'll definitely have to check that site out and order me some good coffee and stop wasting money on stuff that's hard to enjoy. Folgers; Blech!

Jan 23, 2013, 4:02pm, snugglebunny wrote:

Jan 23, 2013, 3:59pm, danno711 wrote:

Not a matter of anyone's Constitutional Rights, it's just a matter of being considerate of others.


see YOUR mind must be in the gutter
Freak is a vulgar word!!!!!!!!!!!
thats what i meant
but u ASS U MED

you were never in the service huh?

lol, there's more vulgar language in the kid's show Adventure Time than there is in this forum. Not to mention The Regular Show. I always thought the rules here meant simply not to use explicit language like... discussing felching, or linking to hentai. Surely there's no effing problem in effing using the eff word some of the effing time FFS.

As long as I'm more appropriate than NoFX in the youtube video titled "
NOFX is bullying 13 year old ginger kid with braces at the 2010 Lowlands festival" then I know that I'm being age appropriate.

This is the world wide web and we should find ourselves very fortunate that our daily dose of spam doesn't include all kinds of nasty things I'll leave to your imaginations.

And to any kids reading: go check out "Barnacle Bill The Sailor", life isn't all scooters and games growing up.

I applaud snugglebunny for refraining from utilizing her extensive vocabulary of vulgarity. As an autistic I effing lack that ability.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #24 on Jan 23, 2013, 5:25pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 5:18pm, Lykos wrote:
lol, there's more vulgar language in the kid's show Adventure Time than there is in this forum. Not to mention The Regular Show. I always thought the rules here meant simply not to use explicit language like... discussing felching, or linking to hentai. Surely there's no effing problem in effing using the eff word some of the effing time FFS.

If there is nothing wrong with vulgarity why don't you use the real word instead of pretending to use it?

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #25 on Jan 23, 2013, 7:40pm »

Jan 23, 2013, 5:18pm, Lykos wrote:
Thanks, Wutz! I'll definitely have to check that site out and order me some good coffee and stop wasting money on stuff that's hard to enjoy. Folgers; Blech!

Hmmm; I didn't list a site or advise certain coffee. Hank, I've never drank anything while moving on a scooter. I have a secured drink holder and the mug is plugged into a 12v outlet and I drink at stops.

Great Big Guru Dawg

Re: Any coffee drinkers?
« Reply #26 Yesterday at 2:54am »
I drink a Mayorgan 100% wind processed organic dark roast ground fresh with the large Cuisinart burr grinder and brewed in one of several ways. Automatic drip using the strong setting, 18 Bar Espresso machine, stainless steel stove top perculator, Melitta single cup drip cone or any one of 4 different stainless steel Italian stove top Espresso pots.

For a heart healthy diet I use a paper filter in the drip makers and perculators to limit the hard oils that get extracted using only brown paper filters and save the Espresso for special occasions.

Once every month or so I fine grind a cup of cheap organic rice in the grinder to clean out the burs and grinding chambers. Will make a chocolate mocha pudding with the rice after the cleaning.

When I am in the mood I will custom roast my coffee on cookie sheets in the oven for an Ahuey Arabi.

Don't drink chemically processed mountain dirt coffee myself. Trying to get a bit closer to nature there.

Read more:

danno711 01-25-2013 09:34 AM

Hey thanks guy for reminding me of that elephant dong coffee...eeeewwwww ;-)

scootnwinn 01-25-2013 09:38 AM

I thought it should be preserved in all of its former glory (minus the pics)

lykos23 01-25-2013 10:15 AM

Ahhh, now I see what the problem was. I was quoting Wutz quoting Danno. Nevermind the thanks to Wutz for the site, thanks, Danno, for the site. Coffee thingy.


If there is nothing wrong with vulgarity why don't you use the real word instead of pretending to use it?
And... For the record... "F" stands for more than one word in the fricken english language FFS. "Frichen" is the German root word for that special word that comes to your mind, and Frichen is the word I refer to, personally.

I'm not "pretending" anything, I'm using the language which I would use to speak with, in the form of text. double-u-tee-eff. Do you make fun of kids with downs syndrome that stutter too, Danno?

danno711 01-25-2013 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by lykos23 (Post 514045)
And... For the record... "F" stands for more than one word in the fricken english language FFS. "Frichen" is the German root word for that special word that comes to your mind, and Frichen is the word I refer to, personally.

For the record, only if you're kidding yourself. ;-)

Almost everyone will read the "F" as the real vulgar word. Few imo, are going to read it as

Just sayin

scootnwinn 01-25-2013 11:12 AM

I do but I have trained my mind not to see it any other way. Unfortunately my mind can't pronounce %&@#$# or it wold use that instead of just using nicer words for the nasty ones automatically...

danno711 01-25-2013 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514070)
I do but I have trained my mind not to see it any other way. Unfortunately my mind can't pronounce %&@#$# or it wold use that instead of just using nicer words for the nasty ones automatically...

Vulgar words whether they're real or fake sends out a message of nastiness imo.
It's just so unnecessary....why do people insist on being nasty? I don't get it.

On the other hand, I don't have a problem with "%&@#$#" this usually translates as a feeling of your own frustrations and its typically not directed at anyone in particular. ....Just my 2 cents

qwertydude 01-25-2013 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by rockynv (Post 514008)
I am going by a lecture given by Dr. Isadore Rosenthal on health where he covered coffee. He mentioned that you could drink all the filtered coffee you wanted if you didn't have diabetes or a heart condition as there were antioxident properties in coffee that did promote good health and could help prevent many ailments including diabeties. However unfiltered coffee had many oils and acids that over time could build up cortisol levels in the blood stream leading to hardening of the cell membranes and resistance to insulin along with plaquing of the arteries. Don't remember all the details but that was the gist of it. There is a brief blurb out on Fox News with the short answer by him on the direct impact on the heart as regards caffine however that does not address the acids and oils that are covered in the complete ansewer.

On the various oils in coffee, the temperature at which they are released along with their impact on flavor my kid brother is the one to talk to. At culinary school he won an Award of Excellence from the National Restaraunt Association for his coffee brewing skills. His award for being able to bone out a whole chicken in less than 30 seconds would caution you not to startle him in a dark alley.

The other thread is not lost that is why I provided the "Read More" link to it in my first post.

Coffee oils and acids can harden cell membranes? That's definitely a first I've heard of that because if coffee oils affected cell membrane permeability the first thing it would affect is your digestive system and you'd simply stop absorbing the coffee oils in the first place. Cell membranes are pretty much self self regulating, to have chemicals be able to significantly affect animals on the cellular membrane level would mean body chemistries so alien that you'd be facing other more serious issues like neurochemical or ionic imbalance. As for building up insulin resistance I don't think it's the coffee that's doing it.

I'm highly dubious about this doctor's research especially the fact that he's going on Fox News to discuss it.

And as far as people claiming coffee oil raises cholesterol. The studies are all over the map on that one. But one thing is for certain, the French use French press and are generally lower in overall cholesterol levels, while Americans filter their coffee and are higher in overall cholesterol levels. Some people may see a link. But the only link I see is just Americans eat unhealthy foods which is causing the high cholesterol and coffee at worst can be eliminated from negative health impacts and at best contribute to overall health.

The fact is if you have high cholesterol trying to blame it solely on coffee is irresponsible and short sighted.

rockynv 01-25-2013 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by danno711 (Post 514074)
Vulgar words whether they're real or fake sends out a message of nastiness imo.
It's just so unnecessary....why do people insist on being nasty? I don't get it.

On the other hand, I don't have a problem with "%&@#$#" this usually translates as a feeling of your own frustrations and its typically not directed at anyone in particular. ....Just my 2 cents

Just diminishes the perceived value of what you are saying when you use them and shows little respect for those you are communicating with so why bother. Really just a non-physical way of assaulting people. Don't hear or use that type of language in my daily life so won't degenerate to it here. Get into the habit and let vulgar words slip where I work and you could end up unemployed in a heartbeat. It is a multi-national company so there are enough people around that if you use the German, Latin or Asian equivalents there will most likely be somone around that fully understands the words and their usage even if you don't fully understand them yourself. I used to work in the State prison system and even there the prisoners never used vulgar speach in my presence and would appologize if they even came close to slipping one out.

I won't melt if someone uses that type of language in my presence however my respect for them as a person and for what their saying will indeed start melting away.

danno711 01-25-2013 01:13 PM


I won't melt if someone uses that type of language in my presence however my respect for them as a person and for what their saying will indeed start melting away.
I wonder if it gives them some sense of authority over the person they're speaking with, or perhaps some sort of security? But, I'm with you, if someone uses that type of language in my presence however my respect for them as a person and for what their saying will indeed start melting away.

scootnwinn 01-25-2013 01:19 PM

I remember the quote but not sure of the source (sounds like Ben Franklin to me...)

"Profanity is a feeble mind's attempt to express itself"

That has always stuck with me. The English language is so rich and alive. Why use the same 4 letter words to describe our vibrant lives here, right?

qwertydude 01-25-2013 02:11 PM

What's funny is people who know me in real life know I actually talk exactly how I write. I just feel no need for profanity ironic because I'm just about the only sailor that didn't have a sailor's mouth.

rockynv 01-26-2013 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by danno711 (Post 514113)
I wonder if it gives them some sense of authority over the person they're speaking with, or perhaps some sort of security? But, I'm with you, if someone uses that type of language in my presence however my respect for them as a person and for what their saying will indeed start melting away.

It is a form of domination or assault used in an attempt to be emphatic akin to poking or slapping someone. In person people who do not know me refer to me as the "scary guy" as it is, so I try to tone it down to begin with. I can emphasize my point without profanity or physically assaulting someone.

Goes back to how my Dad was too. Most people with a father born in 1906 are in their 80's now and not their late 50's early 60's so my upbringing was a generation or two behind most people my age. He hated violence and to him swearing was just a form of violent behavior against those around you so he really drilled that into us. He did not want us to grow old with regrets due to resorting to violence of any kind. He really regretted having killed so many people in his past and he did not want us to come anywhere close to that even in our speech.

I have mentioned this in the past but for those unfamiliar: During WWII out in the South Pacific he was raiding Japanese held islands by himself and had to neutralize 10 to 20 men a day with a hand held bayonet, hatchett or his bare hands on covert deployments that lasted from 30 to 120 days. Having done that and realizing that he still possesed those skills added to his resolve to avoid conduct that could lead to any further violence in his life or ours. At age 97 he would tell us that he could still see their eyes every time he went to sleep and that there were too many to count. The total days of deployment he had as a raider came to around 300 so the count of nightime visitors that he had when he slept was in the thousands which was a lot of weight for him to carry all those years.

I hope nobody here ever has to live with similar regrets even if it is just from the look of disapointment that comes when they cut loose on somone with profane violent speech.

danno711 01-26-2013 06:40 AM

One thing I've yet to figure out is Hollywood and their use of vulgarity.
They often will make a movie that portrays life in the early 1900's and the writers put in all
sorts of vulgar words which can increase the rating to an "R" thus cutting off a huge segment of the population who will not go to an "R" rated movie or those who are not yet old enough. Ask anyone who is in there 80's or 90's. People simple did not talk that way back then. In fact, when Gone with the Wind" debut in 1939....our society was shocked with the word damn. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn".

We've certainly have ""progressed" from then.....haven't we ;-)

Btw....I tried for the first time this morning, coffee from the mountains of Honduras ....It's wonderful!

inuyasha 01-26-2013 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514118)
I remember the quote but not sure of the source (sounds like Ben Franklin to me...)

"Profanity is a feeble mind's attempt to express itself"

That has always stuck with me. The English language is so rich and alive. Why use the same 4 letter words to describe our vibrant lives here, right?

Hi Rob
Heres the qoute in its entirety , its one of my favorite quotes btw
“Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly.”

― Spencer W. Kimball
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

rockynv 01-26-2013 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by qwertydude (Post 514103)
Coffee oils and acids can harden cell membranes? That's definitely a first I've heard of that because if coffee oils affected cell membrane permeability the first thing it would affect is your digestive system and you'd simply stop absorbing the coffee oils in the first place. Cell membranes are pretty much self self regulating, to have chemicals be able to significantly affect animals on the cellular membrane level would mean body chemistries so alien that you'd be facing other more serious issues like neurochemical or ionic imbalance. As for building up insulin resistance I don't think it's the coffee that's doing it.

I'm highly dubious about this doctor's research especially the fact that he's going on Fox News to discuss it.

And as far as people claiming coffee oil raises cholesterol. The studies are all over the map on that one. But one thing is for certain, the French use French press and are generally lower in overall cholesterol levels, while Americans filter their coffee and are higher in overall cholesterol levels. Some people may see a link. But the only link I see is just Americans eat unhealthy foods which is causing the high cholesterol and coffee at worst can be eliminated from negative health impacts and at best contribute to overall health.

The fact is if you have high cholesterol trying to blame it solely on coffee is irresponsible and short sighted.

Dr. Rosenfeld (mispelled the name as Rosenthall originally) represented the US in China when the President tasked a study on medicine and surgical practices around the world be done. He is probably one of the most respected and well recognized physicians (Cardiologist) in the world. How soon we forget.

He discussed his research years ago in full disclosure to the medical community. FOX invited him to comment on coffee's recent bad press. Look up his PBS interview on the topic from some years ago where he recounts his worldwide research trip for the US Government.

He said if you do not have diabeties or a heart/circulatory problems then drink all the filtered coffee you like however once you do have a problem then you need to restrict your intake. Provided some research that linked certain hybred citrus (grapefruit?) as amplifying the problem.

BTW: Raised Cortisol hormone levels with related cell hardening and cholesterol buildup are two different things. I do not have the information fresh in mind as this was at least 10 years ago and I did not get the printed or digital documentation/transcripts.

tvnacman 01-26-2013 09:42 AM

Well I was lazy this morning , I brewed via the coffee pot , so I sit here sipping .

As for the above posts and language . Its seems to be taken seriously you need to be serious . four letter words are mere fluff . I remember a 2 or 3oz bag of chips for .25 cents . You now get 3/4oz for .99 cents the bag is the same size . But we/you got fluff , Yes I could think of some choice words to desribe "fluff" .

I will say in person Iam very sarcastic and quite wise guy . Then depending on who I'm interacting with will dictate the vocabulary .


qwertydude 01-26-2013 12:35 PM

Unfiltered coffee does have a slight effect on cholesterol. But I guarantee you anyone who adds milk or creamer just completely overshadows even unfiltered coffee's effects on cholesterol.

So unless all you drink is black coffee, you're already raising your cholesterol level more than unfiltered coffee will.

Even though Dr. Rosenfeld is a well respected physician and technically he may be right, to logically apply his findings, you'd have to replicate his experimental methodologies used to determine cofesterol effects in the human body. Which means much tighter controls than a normal diet. So even under experimental conditions cofesterol only had a slight effect. Definitely nothing to worry about in normal consumption.

If you really are worried about cholesterol, choosing whether you filter your coffee or not definitely has less of an effect than general dietary habits. That's why I said trying to replicate his results in the real world end up with results all over the place. Which is why one minute coffee is demonized, then another minute it's praised as healthy. The demonizers look at one particular ingredient, cofesterol and proclaim it's evil and will kill you! The praisers say look at all the antioxidants and other good stuff and say it's the fountain of youth!

None of the experiments really apply in the real world where when people hear about the results go out and buy a venti latte thinking it's healthy! Or filter their coffee thinking it's healthier, and then add coffee creamer. So unless you drink black filtered coffee only, you can't really claim any of the health benefits.

And then you have your morning toast, do you butter it? Cholesterol. Bacon? Cholesterol. Eggs? Cholesterol. Don't even get me started on the cholesterol arguments people have made over the years whether eggs are good for you or bad. You think the coffee cholesterol issue is all over the place and controversial, eggs have positively started scientific civil wars.

Basically coffee is perhaps the smallest contributor to high cholesterol levels in the US. Taken as a whole if it really was so bad for you to drink unfiltered coffee the US would have lower blood cholesterol with a majority of people filtering their coffee than a country like France which averages lower cholesterol even though they enjoy espresso and French Press.

Personally I don't drink coffee for any perceived health reason. Just that I like caffeine and a nice espresso, latte, capuccino, is a wonderful way to enjoy coffee.

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 12:47 PM

:no: I have a chicken farm I guess that makes me evil. I drink filtered coffee black my blood pressure is very low I run like a well oiled machine.

Eat your vegetables drink your coffee and you will be fine

danno711 01-26-2013 01:20 PM

I was all excited this morning when I opened my coffee from the mountains of Honduras.
A one pound bag was shipping.Honestly speaking, I couldn't tell the difference between the 1 pound bag 100% Colombian coffee I buy under a local store brand name and paid $4.50 for it, and the coffee from Honduras. Don't get me wrong, they are both delicious..I just couldn't tell the difference.

I'm probably just not sophisticated enough....Once I become sophisticated, then I'll be able to taste the different for sure!! ;-)

tvnacman 01-26-2013 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by scootnwinn (Post 514508)
:no: I have a chicken farm I guess that makes me evil. I drink filtered coffee black my blood pressure is very low I run like a well oiled machine.

Eat your vegetables drink your coffee and you will be fine

do you choke your chicken on the farm ? ha ha!

I could not resist .

sorry if I hurt your feelings ol MCdonald


qwertydude 01-26-2013 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by danno711 (Post 514515)
I was all excited this morning when I opened my coffee from the mountains of Honduras.
A one pound bag was shipping.Honestly speaking, I couldn't tell the difference between the 1 pound bag 100% Colombian coffee I buy under a local store brand name and paid $4.50 for it, and the coffee from Honduras. Don't get me wrong, they are both delicious..I just couldn't tell the difference.

I'm probably just not sophisticated enough....Once I become sophisticated, then I'll be able to taste the different for sure!! ;-)

When you're sophisticated only the finest coffee picked from endangered animal poop will do!!

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by tvnacman (Post 514538)
do you choke your chicken on the farm ? ha ha!

I could not resist .

sorry if I hurt your feelings ol MCdonald


I don't think you are sorry you seemed to enjoy that. We don't eat these chickens only their unborn young, so no chicken choking out here we leave the chicken choking to you city slickers...

tvnacman 01-26-2013 03:32 PM

please don't be offended , the little kid inside came out . I had a good laugh when I posted it . If your in here you can't be thin skined .

Read some of my posts there are a lot of undertones in them .

for example how to check check a fuel vac valve .


inuyasha 01-26-2013 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by tvnacman (Post 514538)
do you choke your chicken on the farm ? ha ha!

I could not resist .

sorry if I hurt your feelings ol MCdonald


Hi John
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 04:52 PM

I took it well I was just ribbin you back (you really aren't sorry and shouldn't have to be for joking around). I do think you need to speak with your significant other about your need for certain things so just the mentioning of chicken doesn't make you think of pleasuring yourself.

larrball 01-26-2013 05:32 PM

I put a little (and sometimes too much) Oh heck who am i kiddin.. I load up my java with this.
And if all we have is DE-caff.:no:.
NOT me.. i'll be up and just as productive as the rest of them nap timers.

scootnwinn 01-26-2013 05:56 PM

Decaf coffee is pointless its just hot dirty water

rockynv 01-27-2013 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by danno711 (Post 514515)
I was all excited this morning when I opened my coffee from the mountains of Honduras.
A one pound bag was shipping.Honestly speaking, I couldn't tell the difference between the 1 pound bag 100% Colombian coffee I buy under a local store brand name and paid $4.50 for it, and the coffee from Honduras. Don't get me wrong, they are both delicious..I just couldn't tell the difference.

I'm probably just not sophisticated enough....Once I become sophisticated, then I'll be able to taste the different for sure!! ;-)

Many times they may actually be the same grade coffee. A store brand Columbian coffee and the "Designer Label" Columbian coffee selling next to it for double the price may actually be the same coffee with the only difference being the packaging. Most fancy packaged coffees are not grown on any one particular farm either. The beans are bought and sold as commodities from a broker or an alliance and can be from a variety of sources even from bag to bag of the same brand.

danno711 01-27-2013 07:09 AM

Thanks Rock,

I'm drinking my Honduras coffee as I type. It's very smooth.

You know I am willing to pay extra for things, but, I have to be able to perceive there is a difference in quality for paying the extra money. So far I can't distinguish any difference that motivates me to spend more than 3x's for a bag (when shipping is included) of coffee that has my name printed on the cover....You want to talk about marketing! I rather do without the bag with my name on it, and get three times the coffee with the same wonderful taste.

Just sayin

danno711 01-27-2013 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by qwertydude (Post 514541)
When you're sophisticated only the finest coffee picked from endangered animal poop will do!!

It really makes me wonder why someone decided to do this in the first place?

I can only come up with one possible explanation ....

An elephant accidentally got his nose into a bunch of coffee beans and ate them.

I have a hunch it was someone who sells coffee beans for a living. He had an elephant on his
property, which is not all that unusual in certain parts of the world. This coffee person
realized and became very upset after he noticed one of the elephants ate a bunch of coffee beans.

He realized how much money he he came up with a plan to get his money back.

He was just going to wait 24 hours or so and then position himself with a bucket behind the elephant.

He probably thought to clean them off at first, but then a huge idea, a light bulb moment went off in his head.....Elephants are revered in that part of the world. They're a very special animal. What a great idea it would to be to sell coffee beans that have been "blessed" by the revered elephant!


I'm sure its a delicacy to people in that culture.


jarlaxle 01-27-2013 01:11 PM

Yuck is right!

I'll take my regular percolated coffee.

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