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Houndguy 07-10-2013 08:36 AM

My scoot is my main ride
I'm curious. How many of you use your :scoot: as your main means of transport. Do you use it more than 50% of the time to go to the store? Work? Dates?

I only ask because the girlfriend asked me to pick up a blender and some other stuff the other night and I jumped on the bike...I got there and went, "DAMN, how do I get this stuff home now?" :shrug: :s :shrug:

amac1680 07-10-2013 12:24 PM

Great topic.

Over the last year or so my scooter has become my "go-to" transportation. If I don't absolutely need the truck and the body allows I ride the scoot. I don't know how I did without it.

Be Big,

Firehawk989 07-10-2013 01:40 PM

I mostly use mine to ride to work; gas and parking are way cheaper for the little scoot vs. my car. I also take it to nearby friends' places for parties and whatnot.

However, it would be a little tough to carry my 17ft sea kayak down to the beach, or my mountain bike to the trails, or take road trips outside the city on my scoot.

Mad Scientist 07-10-2013 03:17 PM

all day everyday for me

richardthescooter1 07-10-2013 03:42 PM

I use mine to go to work just about everyday.

Domindart 07-11-2013 05:24 AM

mine is the only form of transportation too!

inuyasha 07-11-2013 03:14 PM

I tend to ride my motorbikes a lot more then my autos
Take care and ride safely
Yours Hank

Jaybird09 07-11-2013 05:07 PM

I use mine for everything, work, dates, shopping or just to get out and scoot. I love it. Just bought me a brand new 2013 Honda PCX 150 and it's the best one ice owned

HitShane 07-11-2013 06:44 PM

Using mine daily for a short commute to work and back only...

wheelbender6 07-11-2013 10:10 PM

I can put a lot of stuff in my back pack but I won't be trying to haul my kayak either. I have seen guys hauling a surf board on a scooter.

epyon96r 07-11-2013 11:54 PM

I ride mine every chance i get, cheaper on gas

sanmar 07-12-2013 09:53 AM

I ride whenever I can, which includes going to work, going to the tennis courts, or some shopping. The GF and I like to ride as much as possible, she even takes hers to work every now and then, when she's not to concerned with the helmet hair that day. I take mine to work whenever there is nothing more than a 30% chance of rain. In the winter we don't ride as often. I guess I ride about 75% of the time, except for now with the rain, and the fact my valve stem needs to be replaced and haven't had the time to fix it! So I'm going crazy wanting to ride! Hope to get to it this weekend!

tinstar 07-14-2013 12:53 AM

I ride mine for recreation and stress relief! I will probably ride it more if my herniated disc surgery is successful tomorrow! I have had to limit my riding, first because of a torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder and then because of the pain of a herniated disc pressind down on my C7 nerve. I neck would hurt, my arm ache, and my pointer and middle finger and thumb would go numb after about 20 minutes of riding. I think the wait of the helmet and all the head movemend, along with vibration coming up through my handlebars cause the problem. My doctor assures me that I will be happily riding without pain or numbness come Fall. I sure hope so!

inuyasha 07-14-2013 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by tinstar (Post 521686)
I ride mine for recreation and stress relief! I will probably ride it more if my herniated disc surgery is successful tomorrow! I have had to limit my riding, first because of a torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder and then because of the pain of a herniated disc pressind down on my C7 nerve. I neck would hurt, my arm ache, and my pointer and middle finger and thumb would go numb after about 20 minutes of riding. I think the wait of the helmet and all the head movemend, along with vibration coming up through my handlebars cause the problem. My doctor assures me that I will be happily riding without pain or numbness come Fall. I sure hope so!

You have my best wishes and prayers for a swift and full recovery
get-well-soom-1147833444 by inuyasha50, on Flickr
Take care and ride safely my friend
Yours Hank

watcher64 07-14-2013 04:05 PM

Mine is my main ride, and it may not be fast, but it is a LOT of fun ..

ziGGYzaGG 07-15-2013 05:43 PM

My car went down about 2 weeks ago.. ziGG has been my main mode and lovin every second of it!

spandi 07-16-2013 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by wheelbender6 (Post 521644)
I can put a lot of stuff in my back pack but I won't be trying to haul my kayak either. I have seen guys hauling a surf board on a scooter.

Yep, and not all that expensive to get.

thumper650 07-21-2013 12:10 PM

I use my scooter most of the time, but I'm another kayaker so I have a little truck for that and other stuff.

scootnwinn 07-22-2013 02:06 PM

I ride mine daily unless it snows. I do occasionally use my truck for truck size loads but a scooter can hold about $70 worth of groceries easily...

blueboy5000 07-23-2013 08:02 AM

Well before the little guy, I used to ride my scoots exclusively, unless it was raining or icy.

20 years of being an automotive technician/glazier has taken it's toll on my spine, leaving me with 25 bulged discs and two herniated at c6 and c7.

So sadly, I'm lucky if I get to do 40 miles in a week, and if I do dare ride 40miles in a single day, I'll be hurt up for a really long time. My doctors have given me an 'open' prescription for whatever opiates I want, but I adamantly refuse to take any pain killer that is not ibuprofen (seriously, ibuprofen STOPS pain, opiates just get you high).

Somehow, I manage to spend at least 20 hours a week fixing the club's bikes. These days I wrench much more than I actually ride. Sigh

inuyasha 07-23-2013 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by blueboy5000 (Post 521816)
Well before the little guy, I used to ride my scoots exclusively, unless it was raining or icy.

20 years of being an automotive technician/glazier has taken it's toll on my spine, leaving me with 25 bulged discs and two herniated at c6 and c7.

So sadly, I'm lucky if I get to do 40 miles in a week, and if I do dare ride 40miles in a single day, I'll be hurt up for a really long time. My doctors have given me an 'open' prescription for whatever opiates I want, but I adamantly refuse to take any pain killer that is not ibuprofen (seriously, ibuprofen STOPS pain, opiates just get you high).

Somehow, I manage to spend at least 20 hours a week fixing the club's bikes. These days I wrench much more than I actually ride. Sigh

Hi Tommy
So sorry to hear that
You have my best wishes and prayers that your condition improves
get-well-soom-1147833444 by inuyasha50, on Flickr
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

blueboy5000 07-24-2013 08:54 AM

D'aw! Thanks Hank! :D

Firehawk989 07-24-2013 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by spandi (Post 521729)
Yep, and not all that expensive to get.

I would totally get that if I lived near a surf beach! I do have a board, but have to do a fair bit of driving to get to the surf, since there's a wee bit of land called Vancouver Island between me and the open ocean.:doh:

ldizzle 07-24-2013 07:52 PM

My scoot was my main ride for two years! A lot to fun! Now it's a slightly bigger vtwin. :-)

finaljudgement 07-26-2013 01:45 AM

My scoot and Goldwing were my main transport; then my truck was torched two days after my divorce became final. Now they are my only means. I never miss the enclosed ride but there are times when I miss the truck hauling abilities.

PeggyK 11-12-2013 08:09 AM

I had to sell my truck (couldn't afford any more repairs :( ) & bought my 2011 Puma 150. First time owner, lots of fun poked at me by my kids...til they took a test drive!

Was diagnosed 3 wks ago with L4-L5 ruptured discs & I was afraid that a previous injury from long ago may have been exacerbated by the vibrations from my little scoot. Hopefully not the case.

Anyway...those fun poking kids of mine? My youngest son is "babysitting" my scoot for the time being, "just until you're back has healed..."

Ha! Yeah. I'm thinking I won't be getting it back... :)

novaraptor 11-12-2013 10:21 AM

I have a ford aerostar van that I've used twice since jan. Once to smog it so I could register it, and once to the lake this summer. Otherwise, it's been two wheels all year. To carry items, I have a magnetic tank bag the fits my fj1200 and have put metal pads on the 250cc scooter so that the bag sits in front of the seat. Sometimes I also cross connect the straps of a backpack and slid the backpack on the rear of the seat. Not above sliding things down the front of my jacket either.

Irish 07-08-2015 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by blueboy5000 (Post 521816)
Well before the little guy, I used to ride my scoots exclusively, unless it was raining or icy.

20 years of being an automotive technician/glazier has taken it's toll on my spine, leaving me with 25 bulged discs and two herniated at c6 and c7.

So sadly, I'm lucky if I get to do 40 miles in a week, and if I do dare ride 40miles in a single day, I'll be hurt up for a really long time. My doctors have given me an 'open' prescription for whatever opiates I want, but I adamantly refuse to take any pain killer that is not ibuprofen (seriously, ibuprofen STOPS pain, opiates just get you high).

Somehow, I manage to spend at least 20 hours a week fixing the club's bikes. These days I wrench much more than I actually ride. Sigh

Have hope! Years ago , when I got out of the service , I returned to Conn & worked for 6yrs , for Sikorsky as a Flight mechanic & mechanical installer (drive shafts , engines , oil coolers , etc.) I broke the 5th disk up & had it removed (1970) It doesn't bother me riding at all & I rode mostly hardtailed Triumph choppers when in N.H.:tup: Irish
P.S. The operation was done at Yale New Haven Hospital.

Irish 07-08-2015 12:43 PM

I find myself riding LESS then I did in N.H.! If I'm going for a ride on the outskirts or in the country or to the Beach , I'll ride! Otherwise these Florida traffic lights , make it not worthwhile for what they do to me mentally. My cycle is air cooled , so the damage that the heat does to me & my cycle make it not worthwhile!:tdown:>: Irish

Modene 07-15-2015 08:17 PM

My SMax is my only transportation, Road trip as soon as it gets below 85*

cheapeto 07-16-2015 07:54 AM

Since I like to ride on long trips, I have Frog Toggs for the rain, Gator Skins for the cold, and this year decided, rain or shine, ride ride ride ride.

Modene 07-16-2015 04:45 PM

My SMax is my only Transportation

Irish 07-17-2015 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by finaljudgement (Post 521866)
My scoot and Goldwing were my main transport; then my truck was torched two days after my divorce became final. Now they are my only means. I never miss the enclosed ride but there are times when I miss the truck hauling abilities.

My conspiracy theory is working overtime here! Truck torched-Two days after divorce. Did you win in the divorce hearing? Sounds like payback to me! I don't know the circumstances but I've thought about this for days.:s Irish

Irish 07-17-2015 10:47 AM

I sold my car(Big Mistake!) in N.H. when I was moving to Florida! I have not replaced the car(money)so my only means of transportation besides my wifes car(listed as part operator)is my cycle!:tdown::no: Irish
P.S. I say Big Mistake because if I replace my car , I have to do ALL the mechanical things to the new(used) one that I had already done to the one that I had! Unfortunately (when you're moving) you can only move SO MUCH!

Modene 07-17-2015 11:34 AM

My Smax is my only transportation, live with a person with Truck for bad Weather or Emergency.

Ebuddy 07-23-2015 08:57 AM

Scoot for most of 3 of the 4 seasons (I find that the scoot just doesn't do well on MN snowy roads). ;-)

I have a car, but only use it if I need to carry items that collectively don't fit in my scooter's trunk, hauling kiddos or if it's raining in the morning and I have to go to work.

Dodgeme 07-23-2015 11:43 PM

mine is used for half of my commute to and from my civilian employer as well as for errands, unfortunately my civilian employer supplied work vehicle runs on diesel and gets about 7 mpg,however I put on 10k miles in just 1 season on my scooter, until I got hurt at my other employer (the not so good at taking care of their injured USARMY reserve) still trying to get injuries treated (7 damaged discs between my back and neck, 3 are bulging, 3 are herniated, and 1 is desiccated) forcing me to sell all the toys to pay the medical bills including my fleet of classic cars, classic trucks, scooters, atvs, boats, and other toys I restored/built. I have put 2k miles on this year just shuttling between doctors appointments/ medical treatments, filing medical paperwork to get treatment, and the only thing that kept me out of bankruptcy was my scooter's fuel efficiency (my pickup truck gets 14 mpg no matter what on diesel). my little 50cc scooter that is bored, stroked, head ported and polished, regeared, and had the transmission modified to handle the power still gets 115 mpg (If I baby the throttle LOL) it literally has paid for itself several times over in fuel savings alone.

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