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GriefOne 08-23-2013 04:57 PM

I have been noticing giggling ladies taking cell phone pics lately, but it only seems to happen when I ride naked.....:doh:

Irish 07-05-2015 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Houndguy (Post 521777)
I had that happen to me the other night. I ride a Kymco Xciting 500 and some young punks pulled up next to me at a light. Started disparaging the ride and being dicks (trying to impress the young ladies in back for sure).

The light goes green.


Next light there is a >: kid in the car. Now what I didn't tell them and hoped they did know was the police like to hang out up the road a bit. I turn the throttle, he reeves the engine.

The light goes green......

I just :scoot: along letting him race down the road. Yes sir! The police were there and watching. :thanks:

I love it when something actually works out for a change.

The police in Tampa probably know the cycling laws! Here in W.Melbourne , I asked a policeman about laws pertaining to helmets , eye protection , exhaust noise ,etc. The answer to all questions was-I don't know. I'll have to check at the station. I was only asking because I'm not from Florida & wanted to check. For anyone interested-I found a site on the web that has Florida Bike Laws.:yay::scoot: Irish

novaraptor 07-06-2015 10:54 AM

Most of the Harley/biker gang stereotype was created by Hollywood in the 1950's and '60s. It did pull in some lowlifes that totally glamorized that kind of thing, but what it mostly did was fix a picture of what a "real biker" was into the public mind. On the good side, the image meant that cagers didn't mess with "bikers" much. On the bad side, it meant that riders had to act bad ass all the time. At least it kept PETA supporters from throwing paint on their leathers, and kept the cagers always aware of where they were on the road. Since the early '80, things have changed a lot. Most of the new harley and big bike riders now are professional working class. Also, lots more bikes on the road, so the "bad boy biker" is getting thinned out. Some people will be rude, mean, and bad no matter what. Most people are okay, and most riders are happy to see other riders.. Ride and enjoy...

Irish 07-24-2015 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Zouflain (Post 521091)
I'm new to the world of scooters and I find myself curious and looking to brace for the worst. After all, people are shallow, materialistic, and aggressively conformist.

That said, do you guys get the sort of flak that's stereotypically directed at scooter owners? I know the harley crowd and that sort of clique will never be sweet and kind to outsiders or what they perceive as "imitators," but I mean in general. Has your choice of a scooter over hottest new mustang or whatnot ever aversely affected you? Conversely, has it ever been a boon? I'd love to hear your stories. Thanks.

I assume that I could be called a member of the "Harley crowd". I ride a 2006 Sportster 1200 w/Trike kit. You're grouping people together by what they ride! I consider myself a member of the "Cycling crowd" I saw something on this site that would answer this particular question-
It's not what you ride
but that you ride
It's not how fast you go
It's about enjoying the ride
It's not when you started riding
but continuing to ride each day! :clap: :tup: Irish

kz1000st 07-24-2015 01:41 PM

You won't get flak from a motorcyclist. I group myself in the biker category even while I experiment with scooters and I can tell you this. Bikers understand the thrill, danger and rewards of two wheels no matter what you ride. Go to any bike event and you'll see all the brands represented with no brand squabbling and there scooters are just another bike.

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