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skuttadawg 11-07-2013 12:07 AM

If one a slow scooter ride on the right side of the lane and wave for cars to pass you . I have had ( censored ) ride my tail and flick the lights like that could make me speed up . Even if I speed several cagers go nuts with the " I can not let a moped out run me " ideology .

Always keep your distance from cars and always do a 360 sweep of your surroundings . Drive like everyone is an idiot and on dope . People will pull out right in front of you as it is hard to judge the speed of a scooter compared to a car .

When my 50 had a " moped " tag I got a lot of " get off the road " and other DUI slurs . I almost never drink , never had a DUI and I do have drivers license . Since its a 2T and would go faster than moped restrictions by law I got it insured and put on a MC tag and have not gotten any flack

Irish 07-04-2015 12:31 PM

I finally figured out why they have an eye protection law in Florida! It's so that you can get a last look at the people that pull out in front of you! If you leave enough space (to be safe) in front of you , sure as hell someone will pull in it. This is very common. My wife has it happen to her all of the time on the interstate. Maybe that's what caused that burn spot on her headliner!:taunt::shrug: Irish:hmm:

bull 07-10-2015 06:26 AM

Irish, it sure seems more and more drivers are not paying attention and placing us in a bad position. Yesterday was another day of very cautious riding / commuting.

Had two drivers enter from side streets w/o looking - almost hit both. Then a Dekalb cop passed me by crossing a double yellow and then cut back in almost clipping me. Funny, I ended up right behind him in traffic at the next light.

Irish 07-10-2015 11:42 AM

Having been riding for as long as I have , I can really notice the difference! Some of it may be moving to Florida. I rode MOSTLY in the N.E. states before. If anything riding seems to have gotten more dangerous. You see cars with signs on them that say "Watch out for motorcycles" & such but the cage drivers seem worse! All you can do is to Stay Alert!:shrug::tdown: Irish

kz1000st 08-01-2015 07:22 PM

Just last week I was riding on the State Route into town when a car jumped out to pass everyone going the other way from me. He wasn't stopping and I had to take to the road shoulder to avoid becoming a hood ornament. As he passed in my lane the cars he was passing blew their horns in contempt. I'm sure he was impressed.

Shadowfire 02-08-2018 06:50 PM

Yes, the readways are *filled* with people who aren't paying enough for their car insurance.

Irish 03-02-2018 01:55 PM

I was driving down a two-lane road(on my trike). I signaled to turn right , onto another two-lane road. Having ridden for so long & not being used to riding a trike , I just automatically looked to the right before turning. A taxi was passing me in the break-down lane! If I hadn't looked , he would have probably have killed me. That's why I say to always be alert when riding!:s:shrug: Irish:scoot::nuts:

scottscooter 04-14-2019 12:43 AM

alert whilst ignoring/avoiding stupidity, my philosophy

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