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Admin 01-25-2013 02:33 PM

It's no secret that Lee is a hard man to get intouch with, but I'm sure he'll chime in once he gets a chance.

The way it was done? I'm not sure what you mean by that. How else could it be done? It was done about as professionally as you can get. Not smart? Please, don't insult my intelligence. I've been running forums for over 13 years, I think I know what I'm doing.

Google hits? Not sure what you mean by that, but I think you mean that people searching via Google will be lost now. How? The search results will still direct to the old scootdawg forum (until they eventually direct to the new) which will in turn direct people to the new one.

And the advertisers... what about them? They're still here and are quite happy. lmao And as far as emails, you still need to 'hack' into someone's email, which would have been possible anyway. And trust me, your emails mean nothing to me, I have no use for them.

Got anything else?

tvnacman 01-25-2013 02:43 PM

Well I had a rolling banner on dawg proboards . I sent a message to the admin , how to get it back. I'm sure they are bogged down with messages. Lets see if by Monday I get a reply.


wutzthedeal 01-25-2013 02:44 PM

Whoa, Nelly. Having your e-mail address in no way gives hackers access to your computer. That is absolutely false. I've worked on computers and networks for 22 years and while I may know jack shid about scooters, I know computers.

Having your e-mail address will allow a so-inclined person to send you junk mail, or, to sign you up to receive a bunch of junk mail you don't want. This is why e-mail services have spam filters. On Yahoo! Mail, for example, you don't have to ever read spam. You just click "empty" on the spam folder or just set it up to automatically empty spam. Yes, some will still get through, but when you click on them as spam, the e-mail service's spam filters get sharpened, and more capable. It can be a slow process.

The paranoia about what somebody can do to you having only your e-mail address is not warranted. If you have your anti-virus stuff up to date, a capable firewall deployed, and your anti-malware/spyware/adware software defenses/scans active, you have nothing to worry about.

As far as the legitimacy of this forum, I'm still laughing at this brilliant line by scootnwinn and I totally agree with it: "No one is gonna hack a Chinese scooter site there is no money here." :clap:

Admin 01-25-2013 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by tvnacman (Post 514153)
Well I had a rolling banner on dawg proboards . I sent a message to the admin , how to get it back. I'm sure they are bogged down with messages. Lets see if by Monday I get a reply.


John, I never received any emails or PMs from you. Where did you send it to?

Thank you to those that get it. :nod:

scooterparts3 01-25-2013 03:18 PM

interesting. The forum looks amazing! I am not use to it tho. Gotta give it time. If anyone needs me ASAP email is :) BTW if anyone can tell me how to change my name to Scooterelements here please do :)

Admin 01-25-2013 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by scooterparts3 (Post 514162)
interesting. The forum looks amazing! I am not use to it tho. Gotta give it time. If anyone needs me ASAP email is :) BTW if anyone can tell me how to change my name to Scooterelements here please do :)

All the info is in the first post of the thread in the "New Forum Support" forum under "Welcome to the NEW ScootDawg".

Lefty 01-25-2013 03:26 PM

Well for all those genius computer guys, I started my career as a PROGRAMMER writing software for mainframes and then pcs, as well as security software for both.
All you have to do is find the loophole in the software to get around anything. You can only do and think of so many ways that someone can get around it. Miss a few and it is found and there goes that part of the checks in the software. That is why all your current security software is always being updatee. They can only update once it is britched to plug the hole or holes.
I am retired now but I started back in 1969 programming, the going lanugage then was RPG, BAL and COBOL and Fortran, then the pcs hit then your Script,Basic,GUIs using C and C++. Gui programmers were a dime a dozen coming out of college and they still are. Many companies used to get VISAs for Chinese and India programmers and bring them over and house them like cattle working for peanuts. So with your 22 years you still have to lot to learn.

Guest_2 01-25-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by tvnacman (Post 514153)
Well I had a rolling banner on dawg proboards . I sent a message to the admin , how to get it back. I'm sure they are bogged down with messages. Lets see if by Monday I get a reply.


I got a reply to my message I sent to admin about my banner and he did respond and asked for a couple days to get it back on because he was extremely busy. I can understand that completely.

tvnacman 01-25-2013 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Admin (Post 514156)
John, I never received any emails or PMs from you. Where did you send it to?

Thank you to those that get it. :nod:

I could not figure out how to send pm to admin , so I sent it via contact us . The link at the bottom of the screen .

I can't seem to hide my link in my banner in my signature . Can you offer a solution ?
Admin may I ask your name , seems to be a mystery or no one has asked ?

inuyasha 01-25-2013 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by tvnacman (Post 514167)
I could not figure out how to send pm to admin , so I sent it via contact us . The link at the bottom of the screen .

I can't seem to hide my link in my banner in my signature . Can you offer a solution ?
Admin may I ask your name , seems to be a mystery or no one has asked ?

Hi John
His name is Mike, he told us all in his fiirst posting
And the only issue i have had so far is that there was no prior warning of the change over
It would have been nice to have a fews days notice
So far it seems ok
Take care and ride safely dear friend
Yours Hank

Lefty 01-25-2013 03:42 PM

If you want I can email you all of his information he is from New York since your from there as well maybe you can go and visit.

This forum is registered for 1 year with for $9.99.

tvnacman 01-25-2013 03:49 PM

Lefty you have an address for the admin ?


Guest_2 01-25-2013 03:50 PM

John if you are still online call me and I will help you get your signature fixed. I been thru it LOL

scootnwinn 01-25-2013 03:54 PM

Unless you are hosting your own domain emails do give anyone access to your computer. Unless you open them and activate the malicious content they are just text on a screen snuggles spam and this forum are coincidences and nothing else quit scaring people. Spam in your spam folder is harmless unless you open it if you are retired stay retired there is no good reason for all this just because you weren't notified means nothing there is no proof anyone contacted medman

Lefty 01-25-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by tvnacman (Post 514172)
Lefty you have an address for the admin ?


Yes I will email you the info

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